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Bypass Product ID
Translate Value Short Description Long Description
AM Asset Mgmt Asset Management
AP Payables Payables
AR Receivabls Receivables
BA Ben Admin Benefits Administration
BD Budgets Budgets
BI Billing Billing
BN Base Ben Base Benefits
CA Contracts Contracts
CE Cost Mgmt Cost Management
CP Configrtr Product Configurator
DM Ded Mgmt Deduction Management
DP Demand Pln Demand Planning
EN Bills&Rtg Manufactuing Bills and Routing
EO Ent Comp Enterprise Components
EP Entrps Pln Enterprise Planning
EX Expenses Expenses
FA FSA Admin FSA Administration
GF Global Fin Global Financials
GL Gen Ledger General Ledger
GP Global PY Global Payroll
GS German PY Payroll for Germany
HR Human Res Human Resources
IN Inventory Inventory
MG Manufactrg Manufacturing
OM OrderMgmt Order Management
OP Order Prom Order Promising
PA Pension Pension Administration
PC Projects Projects
PI Pay Intfc Payroll Interface
PL Planning Production Planning
PO Purchasing Purchasing
PY Payroll NA Payroll for North America
QS Quality Quality
SF ProdMgmt Production Management
ST Stock Admn Stock Administration
TL Time&Labor Time and Labor
TR Treasury Treasury