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Rejected Reason
Translate Value Short Description Long Description
0 OtherHired Another Applicant was Hired
1 No Contact Unable to Contact
2 Poor Intvw Poor Interview
3 NoSkl Mtch No Skills Match
4 Underqual Underqualified
5 NoShwIntvw No Show for Interview
6 Misreprsnt Misrepresentation
7 Other Other
8 Other Posn Selected for Other Position
A Selected Selected
AE Eligible Active - Eligible
AN EligNotDet Active - Eligib Not Determined
CE C/CC Empl Career/Career Conditional Empl
CR Unclaimed Communicatn Returned Unclaimed
DA Declined Declined Agency
DD Later Date Declined Until a Later Date
DE Decl Exam Declined Examination Program
DG Decl Grade Declined Grade
DL DeclLocatn Declined Location
DP Decln Pos Declined for Posn Certified
DX DeclFurthr Declined Further Consideration
DZ Decl Oth Declined for Other Reasons
FR No Reply Failed to Reply
NC NonCompAct Appt by Non-Competitive Action
NE Lacks Educ Lacks Required Education
NI Basic Elig Ineligible - Basic Eligibility
NJ EmplCond Ineligible - Employment Cond
NK Min Gr/Sal Ineligible - Min Grade/Salary
NN Not Cont Not Selected - Not Contacted
NO Lacks Oth Lacks Other Min Qualifications
NP Lacks Cred Lacks Required Credentials
NS Not Select Not Selected
NX Lacks Exp Lacks Required Experience
NZ Req Cancel Requisition Cancelled
RM Medical Removed from Certif - Medical
RQ Not Qual Removed from Certif - Not Qual
RS Suitabilty Removed frm Cert - Suitability
TE Temp Empl Temp (or Indefinite) Employee