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Appl Question ID Code
Translate Value Short Description Long Description
A1 Mthr Alumn Mother in Alumna?
A2 Fthr Alumn Father in Alumna?
A3 Mthr Deg Did Mother receive Degree?
A4 Fthr Deg Did Father receive Degree?
A5 Prnt Coll Has either parent attnd coll?
A6 Sibl Coll Have siblings attnd college?
A7 Grnd Coll Have grandparents attnd coll?
A8 Spse Coll Has spouse attended college?
A9 Spse Deg Did spouse rcv degree?
AE Cmp Emplm Applying for Campus Employmnt?
AF App Fellow Applying for Fellowship?
AR App Rsrc Applying for Research Assist?
AT App Teach Applying for Teaching Assist?
D0 Mthr decsd Mother deceased?
D1 Fthr decsd Father deceased?
E0 Empl Inst Employee of Institution?
E1 Mthr empl Mother employee of Institutn?
E2 Fthr empl Father employee of insititutn?
E3 Fmly empl Is any family emply of Instit?
E4 Empl state Are you employee of state?
E5 Mthr state Mother employee of state?
E6 Fthr state Father employee of state?
E7 Fmly state Family member emply of state?
EN Addl crses Plan to compl addl crses?
FA Fin Aid Applying for Financial Aid?
FB Schlrshp Applying for Scholarship?
H1 Housing Applying for Housing?
H2 Info House Want info about Housing?
H3 Cmps House Want info about Campus House?
H4 Stdnt Hous Want info about stdnt housing?
H5 NonUnv Hse Want info about non-unv house?
HC Coll Wrk High school stdnt w/coll wrk?
HD HS Rank Permission to release HS rank?
P1 Prnts Div Parents divorced or separated?
R0 Army ROTC Interested in Army ROTC?
R1 AF ROTC Interested in Air Force ROTC?
R2 Navy ROTC Interested in Navy ROTC?
RA FERPA Restrict access to name,addrr?
RS Resident Resident of state of Institn?
SO Sor/Frat Interested in Sor/Frat?
V1 Veteran Veteran?
V2 Honor Dis Honorable discharge Veteran?
V3 Disa Vet Honorable discharge disa Vet?
XX Info Crct Do you cert info is correct?
XY Honor Cd Abide by honor code?
ZY Mutually Mutually defined question
ZZ Free Form Free form question