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Term definitionCLAF Data Library term definition |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL | Active Analytics Framework library element that can be evaluated. NOTE: this primary key value is actually a foreign key to the library element portion of a term. Terms are sub-types of elements. | |
2 | EOCF_LIB_TERM_NAME | Character(80) | VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL | the name of the Term in the library |
3 | EOCF_TERM_TYPE | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL |
data library term type, possible values are constant,variable
CON=Constant VAR=Variable Default Value: VAR |
4 | EOCF_TERM_LABEL | Character(254) | VARCHAR2(254) NOT NULL | Term Label (display) field used in Term Definition |
5 | EOCF_CODE_NAME | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL | code name for terms and phrases |
6 | EOCF_TERM_DATATYPE | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL |
data library term return data type, possible values are scalar,composite
DATE=Date DTTM=Datetime NUM=Number OTHR=Other REC=Record RSET=Rowset STR=String TIME=Time Default Value: STR |
7 | EOCF_NUM_OF_VALUES | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Data Library - This field would identify whether a term would return a list of values or single value.
1=One 2=Many Default Value: 1 |
8 | EOCF_DATA_SOURCE | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL |
which product line the source comes from
CRM=Customer Relationship Mgmt EPM=Enterprise Performance Mgmt FSM=Financial Services Mgmt HCM=Human Capital Mgmg SCM=Supply Chain Mgmt |
9 | EOCF_TERM_STATUS | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
data library term status, possible values are Active, Inactive, Under Construction
A=Active I=Inactive U=In Design Default Value: U |
10 | DESCR50 | Character(50) | VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL | Description of length 50 |
11 | EOCF_OPERSET_ID | Number(31,0) | DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL |
operator specifier
Prompt Table: EOCF_OPRSET_PVW |
12 | EOCF_IS_CFG_FLAG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Do Actions of this Action Type need to be configured
Y/N Table Edit Default Value: N |
13 | EOCF_CONSTANT_VAL | Character(250) | VARCHAR2(250) NOT NULL | If Term Type is Constant then Constant Value would be defined. |
14 | EOCF_DIMENSION | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | dimension field |
15 | DESCRLONG | Long Character | CLOB | Long Description |
16 | EOCF_IS_SCALAR | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | does this term resolve to a scalar value |
17 | EOCF_SCALAR_TYPE | Character(2) | VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL |
datatype for rhs parm #1
00=Number 01=String 02=Date 03=Datetime 04=Time |
18 | EOCF_OBJECT_TYPE | Character(2) | VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL |
what type of object is this term
00=Record 01=Rowset 02=Scalar Array 03=Other 04=Other Array |
19 | EOCF_OBJECT_SPEC | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | the ancillary text to complete an object of record, rowset or other type |
20 | EOCF_PROMPT_TYPE | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Data library - prompt type, Possible values are Prompt Edit, Translate, Dropdown and Custom. This field would be used to specify prompt table details, if any, for the term, bind, so that end users would be able to select valid values to fill in functional binds at rule/phrase design time.
Custom prompt type would be used to specify a custom app class when the prompt list has to be constrained by user specified filters.
1=Prompt With Edit 2=Translate Table 3=Dropdown List 4=Custom Prompt |
21 | EOCF_IS_SETID | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | data library - is setid |
22 | EOCF_PROMPT_TBL | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL |
DATA LIBRARY - Prompt Table
Prompt Table: EOCF_SQLTBL_VW |
23 | EOCF_PROMPT_FLD | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL |
Data Library, Name of the Prompt field/translate field
Prompt Table: %EDITTABLE |
24 | EOCF_PROMPT_OPTFLD | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL |
Data Library, Name of the Prompt field/translate field
Prompt Table: %EDITTABLE |
25 | EOCF_APPCLASSID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL |
data library - aplication class id
Prompt Table: EOCF_APPCLAS_VW |
26 | EOCF_APPCLASS_PATH | Character(167) | VARCHAR2(167) NOT NULL |
Application Class Full Path
Prompt Table: EOCF_APPPATH_VW |
27 | EOCF_MAINT_OWNER | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
data library - Maint Owner, possible values are Peoplesoft, Customer, Modified
0=PeopleSoft 1=PeopleSoft / Customer Modified 2=Customer Default Value: 2 |
28 | EOCF_IS_SYSTEM | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | data library - is system data |
29 | EOCF_CREATEDTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | CLAF - Created DateTime |
30 | EOCF_CREATEOPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | A user's ID |
31 | EOCF_LASTUPDDTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | Specifies the date and time of the last update to an entry. |
32 | EOCF_LASTUPDOPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Specifies the User ID which made the last update to an entry. |