(SQL Table)
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EFT CEMTEX trailer table

The table stores electronic fund transfer trailer data for the creation of CEMTEX format electronic file transfer.

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 GPAU_EFT_USER_NO Character(6) VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL EFT User Number used in the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX.
2 GPAU_EFT_TT_NET Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL This field tracks the Net Amount in a specific format for the file generated by the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX.
3 GPAU_EFT_NET Number(18,2) DECIMAL(17,2) NOT NULL This field tracks the net amount (credit-debit) for the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX.
4 GPAU_EFT_TT_CR Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL This field tracks the Credit Amount in a specific format for the file generated by the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX.
5 GPAU_EFT_CR Signed Number(19,2) DECIMAL(17,2) NOT NULL This field tracks the credit amount for the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX.
6 GPAU_EFT_TT_DB Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL This field tracks the Debit Amount in a specific format for the file generated by the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX.
7 GPAU_EFT_DB Signed Number(19,2) DECIMAL(17,2) NOT NULL This field tracks the debit amount for the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX.
8 GPAU_EFT_TT_REC Character(6) VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL This field tracks the total number of records in a specific format for the file generated by the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX.
9 GPAU_EFT_REC Number(6,0) INTEGER NOT NULL This tracks the number of records processed in the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX.