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Temporary RCP file footer line

The temporary table stores recipient payment file footer line.

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 RECIPIENT_ID Character(8) VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL Payment recipient ID
2 GPAU_RCP_GROUP_ID Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL The Group ID is required for the file generated by GPAU_RCPFILE.
3 PAY_ENTITY Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Pay Entity
4 GPAU_RCP_COMM_OPTN Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL This is used to identify whether to calculate commission amounts or not.
10=Deduct Commission
20=Report Only
5 GPAU_TT_PAY_AMT Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL This is the total payment amount.
6 GPAU_TT_COMM_AMT Number(9,2) DECIMAL(8,2) NOT NULL This is the total commission amount.