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GPCN SI Footer table for XML

GPCN SI Footer table for XML.

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 TOTAL_EMPLOYEES Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Total Employees
2 GPCN_TOT_CONT_EE Number(20,6) DECIMAL(19,6) NOT NULL Total employee contribution
3 GPCN_TOT_CONT_ER Number(20,6) DECIMAL(19,6) NOT NULL Total Employer Contribution Amount.
4 GPCN_TOT_EMP_NEW Number(8,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Total employee new
5 GPCN_TOT_EMP_LOST Number(8,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Total employee lost
6 GPCN_FILING_DT Date(10) DATE This field will give the date on filling the reports.