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DEUEV Abgabegrund
Translate Value Short Description Long Description
00 Regular Regular Registration
01 Rehire Registration at Rehire
02 Withdrawal Final Withdrawal
03 Pay&Inerrp Annual Pay & Interruption
04 Misc Miscellaneous Reasons
05 Bonus Bonus Pay
09 Death Withdrawal (Death)
10 Start Start of Employment
11 HI Change Change of Health Insurance
12 Cat Change Contribution Category Change
13 Other Other Registration Reasons
30 End End of Employment
31 WthdHlth Withdrwl Chng Health Insurance
32 WthContCat Wthdrwl Contribution Cat. Chng
33 WthdOther Wthdrwl Other Reasons
34 WthInterpt Wthdr after interptn >1 month
35 WthStrike Wthrwl after Strike > 1 month
36 WthChngSys Wdrwl Chng Payroll System
40 RegWthdrwl Registration and Wthdrwl
49 WthDeath Wthdrwl due to Death
50 AnnlNotf Annual Notification
51 Intrp Ins Interrptn with Insurance Pay
52 IntExMatLv Interrptn Ext. Maternity Leave
53 IntrpDuty Interrptn Statutory Duty
54 Special Special Notfn: Onetime Payment
55 Stoerfall Stoerfall Sondermeldung
56 Meldung Un Meldung Unterschiedsbetrag
57 P194SGBVI Meldung nach Parag. 194 SGB VI
58 MonNotifKV Monthly Notification KV
60 NameChng Name Change
61 AddrChng Change of Address
62 EmplIDChng EmplID Change
63 ChngNation Change of Nationality
91 CntrlNotif Control Notification
92 ImmedtNotf Immediate Notification