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Injury Claims Charge Codes

This is one of several records used in the Health and Safety module to record details about claims filed by employees or non-employees relating to a health/safety-related incident in the workplace. Use INJURY_CLM_MGMT, INJURY_CLM_CHRG, and INJURY_CLM_COST to record the details of the claim. INJURY_CLM_CHRG specifies cost categories for claims, such as medical costs, wage loss, and other costs.

  • Parent record: INJURY_CLM_MGMT
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 CLAIM_NBR Character(8) VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL Claim Number

    Prompt Table: INJURY_CLM_MGMT

    2 INJURY_CHARGE_TYPE Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL Type of Charge
    MD=Medical Costs
    OT=Other Costs
    WG=Wage Loss
    3 PIAWE_AUS Signed Number(10,2) DECIMAL(8,2) NOT NULL Pre Injury Avg Weekly Earnings