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TAC Qualification Level

Record for the TAC qualification level to academic level mapping

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 EXT_ACAD_LEVEL Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL External Academic Level
01=Pre-Eighth Grade
1=Eighth Grade
2=Ninth Grade
3=Tenth Grade
4=Eleventh Grade
5=Twelfth Grade
6=Postsecondary First Year
7=Postsecondary Sophomore
8=Postsecondary Junior
9=Postsecondary Senior
91=Postsecondary Professional
92=Postsecondary Master
93=Postsecondary Doctoral
A1=Basic User/Breakthrough (NLD)
A2=Basic User/Waystage (NLD)
B1=Independ. User/Threshold (NLD)
B2=Independ. User/Vantage (NLD)
C1=Prof. User/Effective (NLD)
C2=Proficient User/Master (NLD)
2 SAD_TAC_QUAL_LVL Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL TAC Qualification Level