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EIP FullSync Post-Process

RB_EIPREL2_AET - This record is used in AE for EIP FullSync Post-Process

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 PROCESS_INSTANCE Number(10,0) DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL Process Instance
2 SETID Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL This field is used to store the value of SetID on various setup tables.
3 CUST_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Customer ID
5 CORPORATE_CUST_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Corporate Customer ID
6 REL_TYPE_ID Number(12,0) DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL Relationship Type ID
7 BO_ID_1 Signed Number(32,0) DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL Business Object ID 1
8 ROLE_TYPE_ID_1 Number(12,0) DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL Role Type ID
9 BO_ID_2 Signed Number(32,0) DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL Business Object ID 2
10 ROLE_TYPE_ID_2 Number(12,0) DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL Role Type ID
11 BO_REL_ID Signed Number(32,0) DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL Relationship ID of a Business Object
12 START_DATE Date(10) DATE Start Date for Gen Standing PO
13 END_DATE Date(10) DATE End date field to store an end date.