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Telemarketing Fulfillments

Used by Telemarketing to store information for all the Fulfillments requested or sent for a prospect.

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 LEAD_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Used by Sales Force Automation, this field uniquely identifies a Sales Lead.
2 FULFILLMENT_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Fulfillment ID

Prompt Table: RT_FULFILL_VW

3 REQUEST_DT Date(10) DATE Request date field to store request date value.

Default Value: %date

4 CONTACT_NAME Character(50) VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL The individual contact name associated with a given bank/counterparty.

Prompt Table: RSF_LE_CONT_VW

5 CONTACT_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Contact Identifier for Treasury Contacts
6 FULFILLMENT_STATUS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Fulfillment History Status
B=Back Ordered
P=Partial Shipment

Default Value: R

7 QTY_REQUESTED Signed Number(17,4) DECIMAL(15,4) NOT NULL Qty Requested

Default Value: 1

8 QTY_SHIPPED Signed Number(17,4) DECIMAL(15,4) NOT NULL This field is used to determine the quantity shipped.
9 LAST_SHIPMENT_DT Date(10) DATE Treasury Letter of Credit last shipment date. This is the latest date on which transportation of the goods described in the letter of credit can arrive at the final destination.
10 LAST_SHIPPED_VIA Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Last Shipment Sent Via
11 BO_ID_CONTACT Number(31,0) DECIMAL(31) NOT NULL This field indicates the Business Object ID for the contact.
12 ROW_ADDED_DTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP This is a datetime field for record creation.
13 ROW_ADDED_OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL ID of user who added the row.
14 ROW_LASTMANT_DTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP The date and time that the row was last updated.
15 ROW_LASTMANT_OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL ID of user who last modified the row.
16 SYNCID Number(10,0) DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL The Synchronization ID field stores a value generated by the sync processor. The value is used to identify the type of object that the sync processor is about to handle.
17 SYNCDTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Synchronization Last Update Date Time