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Student Test Components

Use STDNT_TEST_COMP to enter scores by test component for tests taken by a student. A Composite test component can be identified so that a score for the entire test can be entered, if appropriate.

  • Parent record: STDNT_TEST
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 EMPLID Character(11) VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL Employee ID
    2 TEST_ID Character(11) VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL Test ID codes.

    Prompt Table: STDNT_TEST

    3 TEST_COMPONENT Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Enter the test component information.

    Prompt Table: SA_TCMP_REL_TBL

    4 TEST_DT Date(10) DATE NOT NULL Enter test date.
    5 LS_DATA_SOURCE Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL The data source for the application data.
    A8=TEAS Degree Information
    ACT=American College Testing
    AE=Ad-Hoc Employee
    AO=Ad-Hoc Organizational
    ETS=Educational Testing Service
    GH=OLSAS Last Secondary-G2
    PI=Prev/Post Secondary Info
    RS=OLSAS Postsecondary Info
    SLF=Self-Reported Information
    WWW=World Wide Web
    6 SCORE Number(7,2) DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL Test Score
    7 SCORE_LETTER Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Enter the test score letter code.
    8 EXT_ACAD_LEVEL Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Academic level
    01=Pre-Eighth Grade
    1=Eighth Grade
    2=Ninth Grade
    3=Tenth Grade
    4=Eleventh Grade
    5=Twelfth Grade
    6=Postsecondary First Year
    7=Postsecondary Sophomore
    8=Postsecondary Junior
    9=Postsecondary Senior
    91=Postsecondary Professional
    92=Postsecondary Master
    93=Postsecondary Doctoral
    A1=Basic User/Breakthrough (NLD)
    A2=Basic User/Waystage (NLD)
    B1=Independ. User/Threshold (NLD)
    B2=Independ. User/Vantage (NLD)
    C1=Prof. User/Effective (NLD)
    C2=Proficient User/Master (NLD)
    9 DATE_LOADED Date(10) DATE Date campus information loaded

    Default Value: %date

    10 PERCENTILE Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Percentile information captured using this field.
    11 TEST_ADMIN Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Enter the test administration information.

    Y/N Table Edit

    Default Value: Y

    12 TEST_INDEX Number(7,1) DECIMAL(6,1) NOT NULL Enter the test index information.