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AppClass Prompt TableThis prompt table prompts off the app classes as defined in the tools table |
SELECT %TrimSubstr(PACKAGEROOT,1,30) %Concat ':' %Concat %TrimSubstr(QUALIFYPATH,1,127) %Concat ':' %Concat %TrimSubstr(APPCLASSID,1,30) , PACKAGEROOT , QUALIFYPATH , APPCLASSID FROM PSAPPCLASSDEFN |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Character(190) | VARCHAR2(190) NOT NULL | Used to represent an application class as a single string. Usually RTRIM(PACKAGEROOT) + ':' + RTRIM(QUALIFYPATH) + ':' + RTRIM(APPCLASSID) | |
2 | HRS_TG_PR_CFG_ID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Used to display the Package Root in the Application Class Prompt Table |
3 | HRS_TG_QP_CFG_ID | Character(127) | VARCHAR2(127) NOT NULL | Used to display the class path in the Application Class Prompt Table |
4 | HRS_TG_AC_CFG_ID | Character(190) | VARCHAR2(190) NOT NULL | A reference to the application class to run to process the extended portion of the config file |