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Summary tbl; CM Flag Settings

CN# CM800-9.0 TW. (tmp tbl populated from CM_ITEM_SFLG_VW) (1) If the "qualifies for mfg" flag CM_MFG_ITEM_FLG is 0, that means than there are no books that use a cost profile that would disqualify the item for use in manufacturing; the item may be used in Manufacturing. (2) If the perpetual average cost flag CM_PERPAVG_FLAG is greater than zero, that means at least one book uses a perpetual weighted average cost profile and the perpetual average cost must be maintained for the item.

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 BUSINESS_UNIT Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Business Unit
2 INV_ITEM_ID Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL Item ID
3 CM_MFG_ITEM_FLG Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL 02/23/99 Created for Release 8 - CM800-9.0 by RML
4 CM_PERPAVG_FLAG Number(1,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Maintain Perpetual Average Flg
5 CM_STDCOST_FLAG Number(1,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL 07/99 GMG CN800-9.0:
6 CM_NONCOST_FLAG Number(1,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL 07/99 GMG CN800-9.0: