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On hand per receiptCreated on 09/07/99 RML CM800-9.0 View to show quantity on hand, unit cost, on hand value, and total depletion per receipt line. This view is used for on hand inquiry for specific business unit item - standard cost non-config items only (CM_RCPT_LINEDET_SP). |
SELECT a.oprid , a.business_unit , a.inv_item_id , a.cm_book , a.dt_timestamp , a.seq_nbr , b.cost_element , a.storage_area , a.inv_lot_id , a.serial_id , a.transaction_date , a.cm_receipt_qty , a.cm_deplete_qty , a.cm_onhand_qty , b.tl_cost + b.ll_cost , %Round(%DecMult(a.cm_onhand_qty,(b.tl_cost + b.ll_cost)),6) FROM PS_CM_OH_INQ_TMP1 a , PS_CM_PRODCOST b , PS_CM_ITEM_METH_VW c , PS_LOT_CONTROL_INV d , PS_CM_ELEMENT e , PS_SET_CNTRL_REC f WHERE a.business_unit = b.business_unit AND a.inv_item_id = b.inv_item_id AND b.config_code = d.config_code AND b.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(s.effdt) FROM PS_CM_PRODCOST s WHERE s.business_unit = a.business_unit AND s.inv_item_id = a.inv_item_id AND s.config_code = d.config_code AND s.effdt <= a.system_date) AND a.business_unit = c.business_unit AND a.inv_item_id = c.inv_item_id AND a.cm_book = c.cm_book AND c.cm_method = '8' AND a.business_unit = d.business_unit AND a.inv_lot_id = d.inv_Lot_id AND a.consigned_flag = 'N' AND b.business_unit = f.setcntrlvalue AND f.RECNAME = 'CM_ELEMENT' AND f.setid = e.setid AND e.cost_element = b.cost_element AND e.cost_category <> 'OUB' |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | OPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | A user's ID (see PSOPRDEFN). |
2 | BUSINESS_UNIT | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Business Unit |
3 | INV_ITEM_ID | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL | Item ID |
4 | CM_BOOK | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Cost Book |
5 | DT_TIMESTAMP | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | Date Timestamp |
6 | SEQ_NBR | Number(15,0) | DECIMAL(15) NOT NULL | Sequence Number |
7 | COST_ELEMENT | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL | Cost Element |
8 | STORAGE_AREA | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Storage Area |
9 | INV_LOT_ID | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | Lot ID |
10 | SERIAL_ID | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL | Serial ID |
11 | TRANSACTION_DATE | Date(10) | DATE | Transaction Date |
12 | CM_RECEIPT_QTY | Signed Number(17,4) | DECIMAL(15,4) NOT NULL | 07/99 GMG CN800-9.0: |
13 | CM_DEPLETE_QTY | Signed Number(17,4) | DECIMAL(15,4) NOT NULL | Base Quantity Depleted |
14 | CM_ONHAND_QTY | Signed Number(17,4) | DECIMAL(15,4) NOT NULL | 08/30/99 RML Changed from "onhand" to "on hand" |
15 | CM_UNIT_COST | Signed Number(27,15) | DECIMAL(25,15) NOT NULL | 07/99 GMG CN800-9.0: |
16 | CM_ONHAND_VALUE | Number(19,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | 08/30/99 RML Changed from "onhand" to "on hand" |