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On hand value (std cost items)

09/07/99 RML Added qualification for effdt in cm_prodcost - get cost using user specified system date. Created on 06/09/99 RML CM800-9.0 View to show on hand value by business unit, item, and book. This view depends on CM_OH_INQ_VW1 for on hand quantity. 10/01 dmw change build seq nbr from 1 to 3

SELECT a.oprid , a.business_unit , a.inv_item_id , a.cm_book , c.cm_method , d.cm_onhand_qty , %Round(SUM(%DecMult(a.cm_onhand_qty,(b.tl_cost + b.ll_cost))),6) FROM PS_CM_OH_INQ_TMP1 a , PS_CM_PRODCOST b , PS_CM_ITEM_METH_VW c , PS_CM_OH_INQ_VW1 d , PS_LOT_CONTROL_INV e , PS_CM_ELEMENT f , PS_SET_CNTRL_REC g WHERE a.business_unit = b.business_unit AND a.inv_item_id = b.inv_item_id AND b.config_code = e.config_code AND b.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(s.effdt) FROM PS_CM_PRODCOST s WHERE s.business_unit = a.business_unit AND s.inv_item_id = a.inv_item_id AND s.config_code = e.config_code AND s.effdt <= a.system_date) AND a.business_unit = e.business_unit AND a.inv_item_id = b.inv_item_id AND a.inv_lot_id = e.inv_lot_id AND a.business_unit = c.business_unit AND a.inv_item_id = c.inv_item_id AND a.cm_book = c.cm_book AND c.cm_method = '8' AND a.oprid = d.oprid AND a.business_unit = d.business_unit AND a.inv_item_id = d.inv_item_id AND a.cm_book = d.cm_book AND a.consigned_flag = 'N' AND b.business_unit = g.setcntrlvalue AND g.RECNAME = 'CM_ELEMENT' AND g.setid = f.setid AND f.cost_element = b.cost_element AND f.cost_category <> 'OUB' GROUP BY a.oprid, a.business_unit, a.inv_item_id, a.cm_book, c.cm_method, d.cm_onhand_qty

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL A user's ID (see PSOPRDEFN).
2 BUSINESS_UNIT Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Business Unit
3 INV_ITEM_ID Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL Item ID
4 CM_BOOK Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Cost Book
5 CM_METHOD Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL 8/20/02 lee: added xlate 9 for retroactive perp average 01/18/99 RML Created for CN800-9.0 FIFO/LIFO Enhancements
0=Non Cost
1=Actual Cost
6=Perpetual Weighted Average
7=Periodic Weighted Average
8=Value at Current Standard
9=Retroactive Perpetual Average
6 CM_ONHAND_QTY Signed Number(17,4) DECIMAL(15,4) NOT NULL 08/30/99 RML Changed from "onhand" to "on hand"
7 CM_ONHAND_VALUE Number(19,6) DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL 08/30/99 RML Changed from "onhand" to "on hand"