(SQL Table)
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Consumer Service

This table identifies all of the consumers being serviced. The data in this table is fed by an external system and is not maintained by a PeopleSoft panel.

  • Related Language Record: CNSMR_SVC_IN_LN
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 SETID Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL SetID

    Default Value: OPR_DEF_TBL_FS.SETID

    Prompt Table: SP_SETID_NONVW

    2 CONSUMER_ID Character(20) VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL A unique identifier for an individual that consumes or uses materials.
    3 SERVICE_ID Character(20) VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL Service ID
    4 LOCATION Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Location Code

    Prompt Table: LOCATION_TBL

    5 SERVICE_START_DTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP NOT NULL The date and time that a particular service began.
    6 SERVICE_END_DTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP The date and timethat a particular service ended.
    7 SERVICE_CLASS Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL A categorization of services.

    Prompt Table: SRVC_CLASS_INV

    8 SERVICE_MGR Character(48) VARCHAR2(48) NOT NULL Service Manager
    9 SERVICE_TYPE_CD Character(8) VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL User-definable code to classify the type of service.
    10 DESCR40 Character(40) VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL Description
    11 LAST_OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Last Response Operator
    12 LAST_DTTM_UPDATE DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Specifies the date and time of the last update to an entry. This field is maintained by PeopleSoft and is used in a variety of contexts.