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Invoices Denied

eSettlements table to store vouchers/invoices that have been denied before it is processed by Voucher Batch. Voucher Batch will delete this invoice on next run. Stores amounts from the denied/deleted invoice and who denied it (OPRID_LAST_MODIFIED), when (DTTM_STAMP), and why (DENY_TEXT).

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 BUSINESS_UNIT Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Business Unit
2 VOUCHER_ID Character(8) VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL Voucher ID
3 INVOICE_ID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Invoice Number
4 VENDOR_SETID Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Vendor SetID
5 VENDOR_ID Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Vendor Identifier
6 VNDR_LOC Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Vendor Location
7 OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL A user's ID (see PSOPRDEFN).
8 GROSS_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Gross Invoice Amount
9 SALETX_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Sales Tax Amount
10 FREIGHT_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Freight Amount
11 TXN_CURRENCY_CD Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Transaction Currency
12 VAT_ENTRD_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Entered VAT Amount
13 MISC_CHRG_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Misc Charge Amount
14 OPRID_MODIFIED_BY Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Last User to Modify Entered By 07/25/2011:Ensured that OPRID_MODIFIED_BY is set with format type of MixedCase.
15 DTTM_STAMP DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Specifies the date and time of the last update to an entry. This field is maintained by PeopleSoft and is used in a variety of contexts.
16 DENY_TEXT Character(254) VARCHAR2(254) NOT NULL Deny Text