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BOM Mass Maint Outputs

03/31/99 LAJ CN#EN800-6.0 This view is used in BOM Mass Maintenance to allow the user to only select outputs that exist on BOMs. 04/20/99 LAJ CN#EN800-3.0 Mass Maintenance can now be executed on other BOM types, so where clause needs to have 'WHERE BOM_TYPE <> 'PL'". Added description. Created related language view EN_BOMCO_LVW. 07/06/00 lee - removed: AND a.bom_type<>'PL'

SELECT DISTINCT a.business_unit , a.mg_output_item , b.descr FROM ps_en_bom_outputs a , PS_MASTER_ITEM_TBL b , ps_set_cntrl_rec c WHERE a.business_unit = c.setcntrlvalue AND c.recname = 'MASTER_ITEM_TBL' AND b.setid = c.setid AND a.mg_output_item= b.inv_item_id AND (a.bom_state='EN' OR a.bom_state='PR')

  • Related Language Record: EN_BOM_MMCO_LVW
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 BUSINESS_UNIT Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Business Unit
    2 MG_OUTPUT_ITEM Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL 04/10/00 (Internet Architecture) SCC: Uppercase label Id. 10/22/98 (CN#EN800-6.0) LAJ...Created Stores the output item number on a Bill of Materials. This item may be either a co-product or a by-product on the BOM. The output type field determines which one it represents. There should always be at least one output item on the BOM at all times; this output item is the same as the BOMs item id.
    3 DESCR Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Description