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BOM Header BomCode Prod Vw Bat

2/5/98 Added Rel language view 2/13/98 RS : RL View Type OTH C2 CN# EN800-3.0, Sep 21 98, Anna Added field BomCode Copied the contents from EN_BOM_HDR_VW. 02/18/99 added field prod_type 11/18/99 TKI CN#SF800-14.0 Changed DESCR to fetch BOM DESCR rather than Item DESCR 12/15/99 TKI CN#SF800-14.0 Modified so that only production BOMs are selected (using BOM_STATE = 'PR' rather than BOM_STATE <> 'PL') 5/9/2000 WRC This view was deleted somehow. We recreated it. It is a copy of EN_BOMC_HP_VW1 with the only difference that it only has BOM_CODE in it. It is used for batch validation using ExecuteEdits which require the first field to be the field being edited. Used for inbound ITEM_SYNC message data validation. 5/11/00 ST Removed related lang view

SELECT a.bom_code FROM PS_EN_BOM_HEADER a WHERE a.bom_state = 'PR' AND a.bom_type = 'PR'

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 BOM_CODE Number(2,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL CN# EN800-3.0, anna 09/21 added new field to database