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Import Cache Record

This record is used to store the state variables for the Import AE program

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 PROCESS_INSTANCE Number(10,0) DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL Process Instance
2 RUN_CNTL_ID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Run Control ID
3 SETID Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL SetID
4 EOCM_ACCESS_ID Number(15,0) DECIMAL(15) NOT NULL Field for storing the Partner ID
5 EOCM_DATA_SRC_ID Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Catalog Source ID
6 EOCM_DATA_SRC_TYPE Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Data Source Type 1 - Flat File 2 - XML 3 - CIF 4 - CUP
1=Flat File
2=xCBL File
3=CIF File
4=CUP File
7 SEQUENCENO Number(10,0) DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL Sequence Number
8 EOCM_PSRECORD_NAME Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Field used by catalog management to store the actual peoplesoft record name for the data source.
9 EOCM_PSERRREC_NAME Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Field used by Catalog Management to store the actual PeopleSoft error record name for the data source.
10 EOCM_ROW_COUNT Number(15,0) DECIMAL(15) NOT NULL Row Count
11 EOCM_COMMIT_INTRV Number(10,0) DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL Commit Interval
12 EOCM_IMPORT_FLAG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL This field indicated whether the Data File has been imported to the source table
13 EOCM_APPEND_CHECK Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Append check field used for import

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