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EX TIP Summ by PC BU and Proj.

EX Transactions in Progress Summarized Table by PC Business Unit and Project ID to be used in EX TIP Pagelets. Time Reports Data

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 TIME_SHEET_ID Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Time Sheet Unique Identifier (System Generated)
2 TIP_STAGE Character(7) VARCHAR2(7) NOT NULL Transactions In Progress
3 BUSINESS_UNIT_PC Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL PC Business Unit
4 PROJECT_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Project Id ChartField
5 DAYS_INACT_RANGE Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Days Inactive Range
-30=< 31
30=31 to 60
60=61 to 90
90+=> 90
6 COUNTER Number(10,0) DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL Counter