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Fee Analysis Structure Detail

Fee Structure Control Data Detail

SELECT a.setid , a.bank_cd , a.fa_fee_struct_cd , a.effdt , a.fa_fee_code , b.fa_fee_cd_seq_num , c.eff_status , a.fa_reconcile_sw , b.fa_fee_src_sql , b.transaction_tbl , a.fa_fee_calc_type , a.fa_fee_base_fee , a.price , a.fa_fee_min_fee , a.fa_fee_max_fee FROM PS_FA_FEE_STR_DET a , PS_FA_FEE_CD_TBL b ,PS_FA_FEE_STR_HDR c WHERE a.setid=b.setid AND a.fa_fee_code=b.fa_fee_code AND a.setid=c.setid AND a.bank_cd=c.bank_cd AND a.fa_fee_struct_cd=c.fa_fee_struct_cd AND a.effdt=c.effdt AND a.fa_reconcile_sw='Y'

  • Parent record: FA_FEE_STR_HDR
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 SETID Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL SetID
    2 BANK_CD Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Bank Code
    3 FA_FEE_STRUCT_CD Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Structure Code for Fee Analysis

    Prompt Table: FA_FEE_STR_HDR

    4 EFFDT Date(10) DATE Effective Date

    Default Value: %date

    5 FA_FEE_CODE Character(20) VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL Fee code mapped to Bank Fee code used for Fee Analysis.

    Prompt Table: FA_FEE_CD_TBL

    6 FA_FEE_CD_SEQ_NUM Number(9,0) DECIMAL(9) NOT NULL This sequence number is used for preserving the order in the bank statement.
    7 EFF_STATUS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Effective Status
    8 FA_RECONCILE_SW Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL This switch determines whether the fee analysis recon is run against this fee code or not.
    9 FA_FEE_SRC_SQL Long Character CLOB SQL Statement for calculating the metric for the Fee Source
    10 TRANSACTION_TBL Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL Represents the database table(s) that contain system source transaction data for reconciliation pu

    Prompt Table: FA_FEE_TRAN_TBL

    11 FA_FEE_CALC_TYPE Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Used to determine how the fee will be calculated. Driven off translates since we should support a finite amount of calc types
    B=Base Fee
    D=Discounted Price
    F=Flat Fee
    H=Threshold Price
    M=Minimum Fee
    R=Rate Based Charge
    T=Tiered Price
    X=Maximum Fee
    12 FA_FEE_BASE_FEE Number(9,2) DECIMAL(8,2) NOT NULL This is the base fee for calculating the service charges.
    13 PRICE Signed Number(16,4) DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL This is price per unit for calculating the service charge.
    14 FA_FEE_MIN_FEE Number(9,2) DECIMAL(8,2) NOT NULL This is the minimum fee for calculating the service charge.
    15 FA_FEE_MAX_FEE Number(9,2) DECIMAL(8,2) NOT NULL This is the maximum fee for calculating the service charge.