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BI - Bill Intfc Tax Detail Cmp

BI - Billing interface Tax Details Table Completed

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 INTFC_ID Number(8,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Interface ID
2 INTFC_LINE_NUM Number(8,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Interface Line Number
3 TRANS_TYPE_BI Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Transaction Type
AE=Accounting Entry
AHDR=Adjustment Header
DDS=Deferred Discount/Surcharge
EXSD=Indian Excise/Sales Tax Detail
LINE=Chargeable Line
TAX=Sales/Use Tax Detail
4 TRANS_TYPE_BI_SEQ Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Transaction Type Seq
010=Invalid Transaction Type
020=Too many charge lines
030=No charge line for activity
040=Invalid Business Unit
050=Invalid bill-to customer
060=Invalid Billing Address
070=Invalid bill-to contact
080=No Bill Source provided
090=Invalid Bill Source
100=Invalid Bill Type
110=Invalid Bill Cycle
120=Invalid Payment Term
130=Invalid Tax Code
140=Invalid Unit of measure
200=Invalid Standard Note Code
210=No Note Code or Text exists
300=Both Amount & Percentage are 0
5 LOAD_STATUS_BI Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Billing Interface Load Status
DON=Done (Complete)
6 ERROR_STATUS_BI Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Error Status
7 BUSINESS_UNIT Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Business Unit

Prompt Table: SP_BU_BI_NONVW

8 INVOICE Character(22) VARCHAR2(22) NOT NULL Invoice
9 LINE_SEQ_NUM Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Sequence
10 TAX_AUTHORITY_CD Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Tax Authority
11 SEQ_NBR_5 Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Sequence number five digits long
12 TAX_JUR_NAME Character(60) VARCHAR2(60) NOT NULL Tax Jurisdiction Name
13 BI_CURRENCY_CD Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Billing Currency Code
14 BASE_CURRENCY Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL "Specifies the primary currency for a general ledger business unit, and is sometimes referred to as the ""book"" currency. Each business unit has one base currency. which is usually, but not always, the local currency for the organization. Journal entries are posted to a business unit in its base currency. "
15 TAX_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Tax Amount
16 TAX_AMT_BSE Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Tax Amount (base)
17 TAX_PCT Number(7,4) DECIMAL(6,4) NOT NULL Tax Percent
18 TAX_EXEMPT_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Tax Exempt Amount
19 NON_TAXABLE_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Non Taxable Amount
20 TAX_BASIS_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Tax Basis Amount
21 MAX_TAX_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL max_tax_flg = 'Y' implies that max taxes were applied
22 TARGET_INVOICE Character(22) VARCHAR2(22) NOT NULL Target Invoice
23 PROCESS_INSTANCE Number(10,0) DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL Process Instance
24 ADD_DTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Date Time Added
25 LAST_UPDATE_DTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Specifies the date and time of the last update to an entry. This field is maintained by PeopleSoft and is used in a variety of contexts.