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Archived KK_SOURCE_LN Data

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
2 PSARCH_BATCHNUM Number(30,0) DECIMAL(30) NOT NULL Archive Batch Number
3 KK_TRAN_ID Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Commitment Control Foreign Key for Transaction Identification.
4 KK_TRAN_DT Date(10) DATE Commitment Control Transaction Original processing date. Primary key with KK_TRAN_ID.
5 KK_TRAN_LN Number(9,0) DECIMAL(9) NOT NULL Commitment Control Transaction Line number.
6 ACCT_ENTRY_TYPE Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Account Entry Type
7 ACCTG_LINE_NO Number(15,0) DECIMAL(15) NOT NULL Accounting Line Number
8 APPL_JRNL_ID Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Journal Template
9 BUSINESS_UNIT Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Business Unit
10 CC_SEQ_NUM Number(6,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Sequence number
11 CF_BAL_LINE_NUM Number(10,0) DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL Chart Field Balancing Line Num
12 DISC_SUR_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Identifier
13 DISC_SUR_LVL Number(2,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Discount/Surcharge Level
14 DISTRIB_LINE_NUM Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Distribution Line
15 EE_SEQ_NUM Number(8,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Entry Event Sequence Number
16 DST_ACCT_TYPE Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL 07/20/04 st: added RCN for Advance Reconciliation 02/16/98 ebn CN#CM800-2.0 : Added for MISC type for Landed Cost Enhancement 11/11/99 llr: Added ADVP for Payables Advance Payment
17 DST_SEQ_NUM Number(6,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Distribution Sequence
18 INTFC_LINE_NUM Number(8,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Interface Line Number
19 JOURNAL_LINE Number(9,0) DECIMAL(9) NOT NULL Uniquely identifies a journal line with a sequence number. Within a single journal entry, the line sequence begins with 1 and automatically increments by 1 for each succeeding journal line. There can be any number of lines associated with a journal header.
20 HYP_LINE_NBR Number(9,0) DECIMAL(9) NOT NULL Uniquely identifies a journal line with a sequence number. Within a single journal entry, the line sequence begins with 1 and automatically increments by 1 for each succeeding journal line. There can be any number of lines associated with a journal header.
21 LEDGER Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Ledger
22 LEDGER_GROUP Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Ledger Group
23 LINE_DST_SEQ_NUM Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Revenue Sequence Number
24 LINE_NBR Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Line Number: 11/24/08 - Added TARGET label [PC product]
25 LINE_SEQ_NUM Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Sequence
26 PYMNT_CNT Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Payments
27 SCHED_NBR Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Schedule Number
28 TAX_AUTHORITY_CD Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Tax Authority
29 UNPOST_SEQ Number(2,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Identifies the sequence of journal entries when a journal is "unposted". When a journal is posted the UnPost Sequence is automatically set to "0". When a journal is unposted, a new reversing entry is automatically created with an UnPost Sequence of "1".
30 VOUCHER_LINE_NUM Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Voucher Line Number
31 ORIGINAL_TRANS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Receipt Accrual Original Trans
32 DT_TIMESTAMP DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Date Timestamp
33 RESOURCE_ID Character(40) VARCHAR2(40) NOT NULL Transaction ID
34 HP_KK_DOC_LINE_NBR Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Commitment Control Document Line #
35 ACTIVITY_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Activity ID
36 PROJECT_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Project Id ChartField