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PO Contract DST WS

PO002 Distributor Contract Release Amount.

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 CNTRCT_ID Character(25) VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL Buying Agreement ID
2 VERSION_NBR Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Contract Version number
3 LINE_NBR Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Line Number: 11/24/08 - Added TARGET label [PC product]
4 CNTRCT_ID_DST Character(25) VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL Contract ID To


5 AMT_LINE_RELEASED Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Total Line Amt Released
6 CURR_LINE_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Current line release amount
7 CURR_LINE_QTY Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Current line release quantity
8 ORIG_LINE_AMT Signed Number(28,3) DECIMAL(26,3) NOT NULL Date Initials Issue Description 092107 dh F-AHAYT-95051 ePro change from number to Sign to allow negative
9 ORIG_LINE_QTY Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Original line release quantity
10 QTY_LINE_RELEASED Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Total Line Qty Released
11 CURRENCY_CD Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Currency Code