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Supply Forecast Cache TableESA for IT: Supply Forecast Cache Table |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | Supply Forecast ID | |
2 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Pool ID field. | |
3 | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL |
SetID Role is used in the resource profile to allow select a valid project role.
Prompt Table: SP_SETID_NONVW |
4 | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | Project Role | |
5 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Identifies the Sales Region. Populated on the Item Table to identify the Sales Region the Item is applied to. | |
6 | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Personnel Status
E=Employee N=Non-Employee |
7 | Date(10) | DATE NOT NULL | Date | |
8 | CAPACITY | Signed Number(14,2) | DECIMAL(12,2) NOT NULL | SCP- Forecasted Supply stored as capacity. |
9 | FULL_TIME_RES_SUP | Signed Number(14,2) | DECIMAL(12,2) NOT NULL | Full Time Resources |
10 | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL | Optimization Problem Instance | |
11 | SETID_REGION | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Region SetID |
12 | MONTH_SCP | Character(2) | VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL |
SCP- Month
1=January 10=October 11=November 12=December 2=February 3=March 4=April 5=May 6=June 7=July 8=August 9=September |
13 | YEAR_NUM | Number(4,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Year in Number |
14 | FMS_DTTM_STAMP | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | Specifies the date and time of the original entry. |
15 | FMS_OPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Specifies the User ID which made the original entry. |
16 | FMS_LASTUPDDTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | Specifies the date and time of the last update to an entry. |
17 | FMS_LASTUPDOPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Specifies the User ID which made the last update to an entry. |