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SCR Contact Compare View

This view was created to eliminate the possibility of stale data. It compares the Master, Copy of Master at time of save, and the Draft tables to create data for reloading the pages. Each field will populated from the Draft table if changed or the Master record if it hasn't been changed.

SELECT a.scr_id , a.scr_seq_num , a.cntct_seq_num , c.effdt , a.scr_effdt , a.scr_chg_eff_when , c.eff_status , (CASE WHEN a.contact_name <> b.contact_name THEN a.contact_name ELSE c.contact_name END) , (CASE WHEN a.contact_type <> b.contact_type THEN a.contact_type ELSE c.contact_type END) , (CASE WHEN a.contact_title <> b.contact_title THEN a.contact_title ELSE c.contact_title END) , (CASE WHEN a.descr <> b.descr THEN a.descr ELSE d.descr END) , (CASE WHEN a.address_seq_num <> b.address_seq_num THEN a.address_seq_num ELSE c.address_seq_num END) , (CASE WHEN a.emailid <> b.emailid THEN a.emailid ELSE c.emailid END) , (CASE WHEN a.url <> b.url THEN a.url ELSE c.url END) , a.scr_chng_type , a.setid , a.vendor_id , a.ERR_MSG_NBR , a.MSG_SEVERITY , %subrec(FMS_WHO_SBR, a) FROM PS_SCR_CNTCT_DFT a , PS_SCR_CNTCT_MST b , PS_VENDOR_CNTCT c , PS_VNDR_CNTCT_SCR d WHERE a.scr_id = b.scr_id AND a.setid = b.setid AND a.vendor_id = b.vendor_id AND a.scr_seq_num = b.scr_seq_num AND a.scr_chng_type = b.scr_chng_type AND a.scr_chng_type IN ( 'U', 'D') AND a.CNTCT_SEQ_NUM = b.CNTCT_SEQ_NUM AND b.SETID = c.SETID AND b.VENDOR_ID = c.VENDOR_ID AND b.CNTCT_SEQ_NUM = c.CNTCT_SEQ_NUM AND %EffdtCheck(VENDOR_CNTCT e, c, %CurrentDateIn) AND c.SETID = d.SETID AND c.VENDOR_ID = d.VENDOR_ID AND c.CNTCT_SEQ_NUM = d.CNTCT_SEQ_NUM UNION SELECT a.scr_id , a.scr_seq_num , a.cntct_seq_num , a.effdt , a.scr_effdt , a.scr_chg_eff_when , a.eff_status , a.contact_name , a.contact_type , a.contact_title , a.descr , a.address_seq_num , a.emailid , a.url , a.scr_chng_type , a.setid , a.vendor_id , a.ERR_MSG_NBR , a.MSG_SEVERITY , %subrec(FMS_WHO_SBR, a) FROM PS_SCR_CNTCT_DFT a WHERE a.scr_chng_type = 'A'

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 SCR_ID Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Supplier Change Request ID
2 SCR_SEQ_NUM Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Update Sequence Number
3 CNTCT_SEQ_NUM Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Contact Sequence Number
4 EFFDT Date(10) DATE Effective Date
5 SCR_EFFDT Date(10) DATE Approved Changes Take Effect
6 SCR_CHG_EFF_WHEN Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Change Effective
I=Approval Date
S=Future Date
7 EFF_STATUS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Effective Status
8 CONTACT_NAME Character(50) VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL The individual contact name associated with a given bank/counterparty.
9 CONTACT_TYPE Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL An attribute that describes the specific purpose of a given bank/counterparty contact person.
B=Billing Contact
C=Contract Collaborator
D=Commercial Paper Contact
E=External Contact
F=Cash Forecast
I=Internal Corporate Contact
L=Line of Credit Contact
M=Executive Management
O=Investment Pool Contact
P=Accounts Payable
S=Sales Contact
V=Service Contact
W=Warehousing/Shipping Contact
10 CONTACT_TITLE Character(35) VARCHAR2(35) NOT NULL The professional title for a given bank/counterparty contact person.
11 DESCR Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Description
12 ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Address Sequence Number
13 EMAILID Character(70) VARCHAR2(70) NOT NULL A user's E-mail address
14 URL Character(254) VARCHAR2(254) NOT NULL Internet URL (Universal Resource Locator)
15 SCR_CHNG_TYPE Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Request for Change Type
16 SETID Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL SetID
17 VENDOR_ID Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Vendor Identifier
18 ERR_MSG_NBR Number(5,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Service Purchase Error Number
19 MSG_SEVERITY Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Message Severity
20 FMS_DTTM_STAMP DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Specifies the date and time of the original entry.
21 FMS_OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Specifies the User ID which made the original entry.
22 FMS_LASTUPDDTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Specifies the date and time of the last update to an entry.
23 FMS_LASTUPDOPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Specifies the User ID which made the last update to an entry.