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Line of Credit Maturity AmountView of Line of Credit (LOC) principal payments for LOC Deals issued on interest bearing basis and subsequently de-activated. |
SELECT p.business_unit , p.tr_source_cd , p.tr_source_id , MIN(p.period_end_dt) AS period_end_dt FROM ps_trx_position_tr p , ( SELECT a.source_bus_unit , a.tr_source_cd , a.tr_source_id , b.begin_date , a.end_date FROM ( SELECT source_bus_unit , tr_source_cd , tr_source_id , MIN(business_date) AS end_date FROM PS_CASH_FLOW_TR WHERE cash_type = '04' GROUP BY source_bus_unit, tr_source_cd, tr_source_id ) a, ( SELECT source_bus_unit , tr_source_cd , tr_source_id , MAX(business_date) AS begin_date FROM PS_CASH_FLOW_TR WHERE cash_type <> '04' GROUP BY source_bus_unit, tr_source_cd, tr_source_id ) b WHERE a.source_bus_unit = b.source_bus_unit AND a.tr_source_cd = b.tr_source_cd AND a.tr_source_id = b.tr_source_id) c, ( SELECT business_unit , treas_header_id , nominal_dt , interest_dt FROM ps_trx_interest_tr ) d WHERE p.business_unit = c.source_bus_unit AND p.tr_source_cd = c.tr_source_cd AND p.tr_source_id = c.tr_source_id AND p.business_unit = d.business_unit AND p.tr_source_id = d.treas_header_id AND (d.interest_dt = c.end_date OR d.interest_dt = c.begin_date) AND d.nominal_dt > c.begin_date AND p.period_end_dt <= c.end_date AND p.period_end_dt > c.begin_date GROUP BY p.business_unit, p.tr_source_cd, p.tr_source_id UNION SELECT DISTINCT source_bus_unit , tr_source_cd , tr_source_id , MIN(business_date) FROM PS_CASH_FLOW_TR A WHERE CASH_TYPE = '04' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM PS_CASH_FLOW_TR B WHERE B.SOURCE_BUS_UNIT = A.SOURCE_BUS_UNIT AND B.TR_SOURCE_CD = A.TR_SOURCE_CD AND B.TR_SOURCE_ID = A.TR_SOURCE_ID AND CASH_TYPE <> '04' ) GROUP BY source_bus_unit, tr_source_cd, tr_source_id UNION SELECT DISTINCT source_bus_unit , tr_source_cd , tr_source_id , MAX(business_date) FROM PS_CASH_FLOW_TR A WHERE CASH_TYPE <> '04' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM PS_CASH_FLOW_TR B WHERE B.SOURCE_BUS_UNIT = A.SOURCE_BUS_UNIT AND B.TR_SOURCE_CD = A.TR_SOURCE_CD AND B.TR_SOURCE_ID = A.TR_SOURCE_ID AND CASH_TYPE = '04' ) GROUP BY source_bus_unit, tr_source_cd, tr_source_id |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | BUSINESS_UNIT | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL | Business Unit |
2 | TR_SOURCE_CD | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Note: Changes to Translate Values must also be made to TRA_SOURCE_CD and SOURCE_TYPE. These 3 fields must be kept in sync.
Values that are inactive are for use in TR Accounting only
B=BSP D=Deals E=Deal Fees F=Facility Fees H=Hedges I=Interest M=Deal: Estimated Maturity Accr N=Netted Deal O=Other P=Investment Pools R=EFT Fees S=Securities T=LC Fees W=EFT Requests X=Bank Transfers |
3 | TREAS_HEADER_ID | Character(12) | VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL | The unique key identifier for a given deal transaction. |
4 | PERIOD_END_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Represents the date termination point for a given time set utilized in cash worksheet processing. |