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VAT Reporting Contacts

VAT Reporting Contacts

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 VAT_ENTITY Character(20) VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL Specifies an organizational entity that is responsible for VAT reporting and that is registered in one or more countries that require VAT reporting. A single VAT entity is linked to one or more General Ledger Business Units depending on the reporting requirements.

Prompt Table: VAT_ENTITY

2 COUNTRY Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Country

Prompt Table: COUNTRY_TBL

3 CONTACT_NAME Character(50) VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL The individual contact name associated with a given bank/counterparty.
4 COUNTRY_CODE Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Int'l Prefix
5 PHONE Character(24) VARCHAR2(24) NOT NULL Telephone
6 EXTENSION Character(6) VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL Phone Extension
7 FAX Character(24) VARCHAR2(24) NOT NULL Fax Number
8 VAT_EMAIL Character(77) VARCHAR2(77) NOT NULL VAT Email Contact