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AR Revaluation Request

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL A user's ID (see PSOPRDEFN).
2 RUN_CNTL_ID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Run Control ID
3 LANGUAGE_CD Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Language Code
4 CONV_REV_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Conversation Review flag. Indicates through run control if the Conversation Review section of the AR Workflow process should execute.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

5 CORP_CRED_LIM_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Corporate Credit Limit flag. Indicates through run control if the Corporate Credit Limit section of the AR Workflow process should execute.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

6 CRED_LIMIT_REV_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Credit Limit Review flag. Indicates through run control if the Credit Limit Review section of the AR Workflow process should execute.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

7 CREDIT_BALANCE_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Credit Balance flag. Indicates through run control if the Credit Balance section of the AR Workflow process should execute.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

8 CREDIT_LIMIT_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Credit Limit flag. Indicates through run control if the Credit Limit section of the AR Workflow process should execute.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

9 DEDUCTIONS_REV_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Deductions Review flag. Indicates through run control if the Deductions Review section of the AR Workflow process should execute.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

10 HIGH_BALANCE_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL High Balance flag. Indicates through run control if the High Balance section of the AR Workflow process should execute.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

11 NEW_DEB_CRED_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL New Debit Credit flag. Indicates through run control if the New Debit Credit section of the AR Workflow process should execute.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

12 PP_ON_ACCOUNT_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL PP On Account flag. Indicates through run control if the PP On Account section of the AR Workflow process should execute.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

13 ACTION_NOTIFY_FLG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Action Workflow Flag