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ACA Threshold Installation

Specify ACA Threshold limits for monthly and weekly periods at installation level

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 ACA_THRESHOLD_IND Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL ACA Threshold Indicator field used to store threshold value - L(Low), M (Medium) and H(High)
2 ACA_THRESHOLD_DESC Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL ACA Threshold level description field is used as a work field on the page to display the description of the Threshold Level - Low, Medium or High. The description values are fetched from translate value description defined in ACA_THRESHOLD_IND field
3 ACA_MONTHLY_DESC Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL ACA Monthly description field for Monthly period specifying as label on the ACA Threshold report pivot grid. For example, Medium 120-125 Hours.
4 ACA_WEEKLY_DESC Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL ACA Weekly description field for Weekly period specifying as label on the ACA Threshold report pivot grid. For example, Medium 22-28 Hours.
5 ACA_MONTHLY_L Number(6,0) INTEGER NOT NULL ACA Monthly Lower Limit field specified in ACA threshold Limits installation page. This is used to set the lower limit for a specific threshold level (Low, Medium or High) for monthly period
6 ACA_MONTHLY_U Number(6,0) INTEGER NOT NULL ACA Monthly Upper Limit field specified in ACA threshold Limits installation page. This is used to set the upper limit for a specific threshold level (Low, Medium or High) for monthly period
7 ACA_WEEKLY_L Number(6,0) INTEGER NOT NULL ACA Weekly Lower Limit field specified in ACA threshold Limits installation page. This is used to set the lower limit for a specific threshold level (Low, Medium or High) for weekly period
8 ACA_WEEKLY_U Number(6,0) INTEGER NOT NULL ACA Weekly Upper Limit field specified in ACA threshold Limits installation page. This is used to set the upper limit for a specific threshold level (Low, Medium or High) for Weekly period