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BenAdmin Elig Employee Overrid

BAS_ELIG_OVRD is one of the records that identify benefit program/option eligibility criteria. It is used to record what employees are eligible for a given benefit program and/or option. This table overrides all of the other eligilibility rules, including zip code ranges. It is created online by the Eligibility panels under Benefits Administration tables. The information is used for processing Benefits Administration.

  • Parent record: BAS_ELIG_RULES
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 ELIG_RULES_ID Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Eligibility Rules ID

    Prompt Table: BAS_ELIG_RULES

    2 EFFDT Date(10) DATE NOT NULL Effective Date

    Default Value: %date

    3 EMPLID Character(11) VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL Employee ID

    Prompt Table: PERSON_NAME

    4 BENEFIT_RCD_NBR Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Specifies a sequence number associated with each of multiple concurrent jobs for a one employee. It is used to determine the applicable benefit program for each job. The first job entered for an employee is automatically assigned a Benefit Record Number of zero (0). This field is linked with EMPL_RCD#, the Employment Record Number.

    Prompt Table: BAS_ELIG_OVRD_V

    5 ELIG_OVRD_CD Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Eligibility Override

    Default Value: E