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Canadian Census Metropol Area
Translate Value Short Description Long Description
01 Calgary Calgary
02 Edmonton Edmonton
03 Halifax Halifax
04 Montreal Montreal
05 Regina Regina
06 Toronto Toronto
07 Vancouver Vancouver
08 Winnipeg Winnipeg
50 St. John's St. John's
51 Moncton Moncton
52 Saint John Saint John
53 Saguenay Saguenay
54 Quebec Quebec
55 Sherbrooke Sherbrooke
56 Trois-Rivi Trois-Rivieres
57 Kingston Kingston
58 Ottawa-Gat Ottawa-Gatineau
59 Oshawa Oshawa
60 Peterborou Peterborough
61 Hamilton Hamilton
62 St. Cathar St. Catharines-Niagara
63 Kitchener Kitchener
64 London London
65 Windsor Windsor
66 Sudbury Sudbury
67 Thunderbay Thunderbay
68 Brantford Brantford
69 Guelph Guelph
70 Saskatoon Saskatoon
71 Barrie Barrie
72 Abbotsford Abbotsford
73 Kelowna Kelowna
74 Victoria Victoria
75 Belleville Belleville
76 Lethbridge Lethbridge
85 Alberta le Alberta less CMAs
86 British British Columbia less CMAs
87 Manitoba Manitoba less CMA
88 New Brnswk New Brunswick less CMA
89 Nova Sctia Nova Scotia less CMA
90 N W T Northwest Territories
91 Newfound Newfoundland less CMA
92 Nunavut Nunavut
93 Ontario le Ontario less CMAs
94 P E I Prince Edward Island
95 Qu�bec les Qu�bec less CMAs
96 SaslessCMA Saskatchewan less CMA
97 Yukon Terr Yukon Territory
98 Out of Can Outside of Canada
99 Canada Canada
NA NA Not Applicable