Change/Delete EMPLID-Like Flds
The system uses EMPL_RCRDS_VIEW records are used during the process of changing or deleting an employee from the database.
EMPL_RCRDS_VIEW processes records keyed by EMPLID. EMPL_RCRDS_VW2 processes records containing ID-like fields that are not named EMPLID, such as SUPERVISOR_ID.
EMPL_RCRDS_VW3 processes records with EMPLID in a subrecord.
EMPL_RCRDS_VW4 processes records with EMPLID-like fields in a subrecord.
EMPL_RCRDS_VW5 processes records with EMPLID in a sub-sub record.
EMPL_RCRDS_VW6 processes records with EMPLID-like fields in a sub-sub record
EMPL_RCRDS_VW7 processes Campus Solutions records containing ID-like fields that are not named EMPLID, such as SUPERVISOR_ID.
EMPL_RCRDS_VW8 processes Campus Solutions records containing COMMON_ID and SA_ID_TYPE fields. If SA_ID_TYPE = 'P', COMMON_ID field has an EMPLID. |