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Chartfield Template Table

Chartfield Template

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 ORIG_CF_NAME Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL Holds the Original Chartfield Name. This will not change!
2 FIELDNAME Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL Field Name (see PSDBFIELD).
3 CF_ORDER Number(2,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL ChartField Sequence Order
4 CF_TYPE Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Chartfield Type - Use specificly for Chartfield Template.
C=Currency Code
D=Deleted Chartfield
F=Fully Configurable
P=Partially Configurable
S=Statistic Code
X=Product Specific

Default Value: F

5 CF_LENGTH Number(2,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL ChartField Length
6 DISPLAY_LENGTH Number(2,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Use to determine the ChartField Length to be display.
7 CF_ACTIVE_STATUS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL The user can specify CF to be Active, Inactive or Deleted. This field was formerly called User Option.
A=Active ChartField
I=Inactive ChartField

Default Value: A

8 DELETE_CF Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Delete ChartField

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

9 AFFILIATE_TYPE Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Tells if the Chartfield is Intra Unit Affiliate or Inter Unit Affiliate.
A=IntraUnit Affiliate
I=InterUnit Affiliate

Default Value: X

10 AFF_RELATED_CF Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL Holds the Related Chartfield that is needed by Affiliate Chartfield.

Prompt Table: AFF_CF_PRMPT_VW

11 ADDED_CF Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Flag that will determine if the chartfield was added.

Y/N Table Edit

Default Value: N

12 MODEL_CF Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL Holds the model chartfield that will be use by the CF Config Util.
13 RECNAME Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Record (Table) Name (see PSRECDEFN).
14 ORIG_REC_NAME Character(15) VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL Original Record Name
15 PREV_DISPLAY_LEN Number(2,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Previous ChartField Display Length
16 PREV_CF_ORDER Number(2,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Previous ChartField Sequence Order