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ComSuper reporting detailsThe table stores ComSuper reporting details used to generate the CSV/XML files. |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | CAL_RUN_ID | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL | Calendar Run Id |
2 | EMPLID | Character(11) | VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL | Employee ID |
3 | EMPL_RCD | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Empl Record |
4 | PAY_ENTITY | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Pay Entity |
5 | RECIPIENT_ID | Character(8) | VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL | Payment recipient ID |
6 | GPAU_LODGEMENT_REF | Character(50) | VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL | This field is used in the AE program GPAU_EFT_CMX. |
7 | GP_PAYGROUP | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Global Payroll pay group |
8 | GPAU_COMSUPER_FUND | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
GP AUS - Stores the ComSuper Fund name for Super Contribution reporting for Aus Public Service customers who need to report contributions in ComSuper file format.
A=Public Sector Super Fund Accum C=Commonwealth Super Scheme P=Public Sector Super Fund |
9 | GPAU_REP_DATE | Date(10) | DATE | Report End Date |
10 | SEQNUM | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Sequence Number |
11 | GPAU_NEW | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Default Value: N |
12 | GPAU_SENDERID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | GPAUS - Stores the ID of the Sender for SuperEC processing. |
13 | GPAU_RECEIVERID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | GPAUS - Stores the ID of the Super Fund Administrator that is to receive a SuperEC message file. |
14 | GPAU_PAYERID | Character(9) | VARCHAR2(9) NOT NULL | Payer ID |
15 | GPAU_PAYEEID | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL | Payee ID |
16 | GPAU_SMART_KEY | Character(90) | VARCHAR2(90) NOT NULL | Primary Key used in SuperStream reporting |
17 | GPAU_ER_ABN | Character(11) | VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL | Employer ABN |
18 | GPAU_SFUND_ABN | Number(11,0) | DECIMAL(11) NOT NULL | Super Fund ABN |
19 | GPAU_TFN | Character(9) | VARCHAR2(9) NOT NULL | This is the payee's tax file number. This is the payee's unique identification number for tax purposes. |
20 | GPAU_TFN_DISCLOSE | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | This will determine whether the payee has given the payer an authority to disclose its TFN to the Superannuation Funds. |
21 | GPAU_NO_TFN_ID | Character(25) | VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL | Alternate ID when TFN is not availables |
22 | NAME_TITLE | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Name Title |
23 | LAST_NAME | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Last Name |
24 | FIRST_NAME | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | First Name |
25 | SEX | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
F=Female M=Male U=Unknown |
26 | BIRTHDATE | Date(10) | DATE | Date of Birth |
27 | ADDRESS_TYPE | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL | Address Type |
28 | ADDRESS1 | Character(55) | VARCHAR2(55) NOT NULL | Address 1 |
29 | ADDRESS2 | Character(55) | VARCHAR2(55) NOT NULL | Address 2 |
30 | ADDRESS3 | Character(55) | VARCHAR2(55) NOT NULL | Address 3 |
31 | CITY | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | City |
32 | POSTAL | Character(12) | VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL | Postal |
33 | STATE | Character(6) | VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL | State |
34 | COUNTRY | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Country |
35 | EMAIL_ADDR2 | Character(70) | VARCHAR2(70) NOT NULL | Email Address |
36 | GPAU_PH_SERVICE | Character(2) | VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL | Phone Service line used in SuperStream reporting |
37 | PHONE1 | Character(24) | VARCHAR2(24) NOT NULL | Phone number field for discounts and perks eligibility file. |
38 | PHONE2 | Character(24) | VARCHAR2(24) NOT NULL | Phone number field for discounts and perks eligibility file. |
39 | GPAU_MEMBER_ID | Character(18) | VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL | The Membership Group ID is required for the file generated by GPAU_RCPFILE. |
40 | EMPLID_PAYEE | Character(11) | VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL | Payee Empl ID |
41 | GPAU_DT_END_CAT | Date(10) | DATE | Scheme cease date |
42 | GPAU_CESSATION_RSN | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Cessation Reason
1=Retirement 2=Resignation 3=Dismissal 4=Retrenchment 5=Invalidity 6=Death 7=Transfer 8=Opting Out 9=Incorrect |
43 | PERIOD_BEGIN_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Period Begin Date |
44 | PERIOD_END_DATE | Date(10) | DATE | Period End Date |
45 | GPAU_AWARD_AMT | Signed Number(20,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | Award/Productivity amount |
46 | GPAU_PERS_AMT | Signed Number(20,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | Personal Contributions Amount |
47 | HIRE_DT | Date(10) | DATE | First Start Date |
48 | GPAU_SUPER_BEN_AMT | Number(19,3) | DECIMAL(18,3) NOT NULL | Benefit amount |
49 | GPAU_SUPEC_SAL | Number(19,3) | DECIMAL(18,3) NOT NULL | GPAUS - SuperEC Salary field. This field stores Annual or Superannuation Salary amoutn for employees enrolled in SuperEC. |
50 | GPAU_RPT_START_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Period of report Start Date |
51 | GPAU_FUND_REG_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Fund Registration Date |
52 | JOB_CLASS | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Job Class for discounts and perks eligibility file. |
53 | GPAU_COMSUP_EMP_CN | Signed Number(12,2) | DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL | Employer Contribution |
54 | GPAU_COMSUP_OTE | Number(11,2) | DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL | Stores Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) or Fortnightly for ComSuper |
55 | GPAU_COMSUP_CSPY | Signed Number(12,2) | DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL | Stores Casual Salary Payment for ComSuper |
56 | GPAU_PAYCNT_ID | Character(20) | VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL | Location identifier |
57 | GPAU_MBR_RATE | Number(4,2) | DECIMAL(3,2) NOT NULL | GP AUS - Stores the ComSuper contributory percentage rates for member contributions to Superannuation. |
58 | GPAU_COM_PCT_EFFDT | Date(10) | DATE | GP AUS - Stores the ComSuper contributory percentage rates for member contributions to Superannuation. |
59 | GPAU_LWOP_CD | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Leave Without Pay Code
1=1 3=3 6=6 |
60 | GPAU_LWOP_ST_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Stores the Employement Effective Date for comSuper |
61 | GPAU_LWOP_END_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Stores the Employement Effective Date for comSuper |
62 | GPAU_EMPL_EFFDT | Date(10) | DATE | Stores the Employement Effective Date for comSuper |
63 | GPAU_COMSUP_ADIC | Signed Number(10,2) | DECIMAL(8,2) NOT NULL | GP AUS - Stores ComSuper specific Additional Death and Invalidity Cover (ADIC) |
64 | GPAU_COMSUP_CNDD | Number(2,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Stores Contribution Due Days for ComSuper |
65 | GPAU_ACTUAL_HRS | Number(7,2) | DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL | GP AUS - Stores Actual Hours worked for part-time employees contributing to ComSuper. |
66 | GPAU_FUL_PRT_EFFDT | Date(10) | DATE | Stores the Employement Effective Date for comSuper |
67 | GPAU_SGC_AMT | Signed Number(20,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | Super Gurantee amount |
68 | GPAU_SACRIFICE_AMT | Signed Number(20,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | Salary Sacrificed contribution |
69 | GPAU_VOLUNTARY_AMT | Signed Number(20,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | Voluntary contribution amount |
70 | GPAU_SPOUSE_AMT | Signed Number(20,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | Spouse contribution amount |
71 | GPAU_YRLY_INS_SAL | Number(19,3) | DECIMAL(18,3) NOT NULL | Annual Salary insurance amount |
72 | NAME_SUFFIX | Character(15) | VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL | Name Suffix |
73 | PERSON_NAME | Character(100) | VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL | Name |