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Appendix 8A

Singapore IRAS Appendix 8A Form - Benefits in Kind

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 EMPLID Character(11) VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL Employee ID

Prompt Table: PERS_SRCH_GBL

2 BALANCE_GRP_NUM Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL This field will be used to determine the grouping of balances from the different jobs of the employee.
3 GPSG_TAX_YEAR Number(4,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Tax Year for Singapore IRAS Reporting
4 GPSG_CPY_TAX_REF Character(11) VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL Singapore Company Tax Reference Number

Prompt Table: GPSG_IRAS_CPY

5 GPSG_CREATE_DATE Date(10) DATE NOT NULL Creation Date of Singapore IR8A data

Default Value: %date

6 GPSG_8A_STATUS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Singapore IR8A/IR8S form Issue Status
W=Awaiting Issue

Default Value: W

7 GPSG_AP8A_RES_VAL Signed Number(16,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Value of place of residence.
8 GPSG_AP8A_RES_SHR Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Number of persons sharing residence.
9 GPSG_AP8A_RES_FR Date(10) DATE Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - From date of occupation of residence.
10 GPSG_AP8A_RES_TO Date(10) DATE Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - To date of occupation of residence.
11 GPSG_AP8A_ER_RENT Number(16,2) DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Rent paid by employer.
12 GPSG_AP8A_EE_RENT Number(16,2) DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Rent paid by employee.
13 GPSG_AP8A_FURNIT Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hard and soft furniture.
14 GPSG_AP8A_FRIDGE Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Refrigerators.
15 GPSG_AP8A_VCR Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Video recorders.
16 GPSG_AP8A_WASHER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Washing Machines.
17 GPSG_AP8A_DRYER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Dryers.
18 GPSG_AP8A_DWASHER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Dish Washer.
19 GPSG_AP8A_AC_UNIT Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner Units.
20 GPSG_AP8A_AC_CENTR Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - Central-Dining.
21 GPSG_AP8A_AC_SITTG Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - Sitting.
22 GPSG_AP8A_AC_ADDNL Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - Additional.
23 GPSG_AP8A_TV Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - TVs.
24 GPSG_AP8A_RADIO Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - Radios.
25 GPSG_AP8A_AMP Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - Amplifiers.
26 GPSG_AP8A_STEREO Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - Stereos.
27 GPSG_AP8A_GUITAR Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - Electric Guitars.
28 GPSG_AP8A_COMPUTER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - Electric Computers.
29 GPSG_AP8A_ORGAN Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Conditioner - Organs.
30 GPSG_AP8A_POOL Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Swimming Pools.
31 GPSG_AP8A_PUB_UT Number(8,2) DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Public Utilities.
32 GPSG_AP8A_PHONE Number(8,2) DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Telephones.
33 GPSG_AP8A_PAGER Number(8,2) DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Pagers.
34 GPSG_AP8A_SUITCASE Number(8,2) DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Suitcases.
35 GPSG_AP8A_GOLF_BAG Number(8,2) DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Golf Bag.
36 GPSG_AP8A_CAMERA Number(8,2) DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Cameras.
37 GPSG_AP8A_SERVANT Number(8,2) DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Servants.
38 GPSG_AP8A_DRIVER Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Drivers.
39 GPSG_AP8A_GARDENER Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - wages of gardener or upkeep of compound
40 GPSG_AP8A_OTH_FURN Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - wages of gardener or upkeep of compound
41 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_SLFN Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Self/Wife/Child > 20 years old - number of persons.
42 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_SLFD Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Self/Wife/Child > 20 years old - period provided (in days).
43 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_SPSN Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Spouse - number of persons.
44 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_SPSD Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Spouse - period provided (in days).
45 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_C20N Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Children > 20 years old - number of persons.
46 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_C20D Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Children > 20 years old - period provided (in days).
47 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_CH8N Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Children 8 - 20 years old - number of persons.
48 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_CH8D Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Children 8 - 20 years old - period provided (in days).
49 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_CH3N Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Children 3 - 7 years old - number of persons.
50 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_CH3D Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Children 3 - 7 years old - period provided (in days).
51 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_CH0N Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Children under 3 years old - number of persons.
52 GPSG_AP8A_HTL_CH0D Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Hotel Accomodation for Children under 3 years old - period provided (in days).
53 GPSG_AP8A_ER_INT Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - interest paid by employer.
54 GPSG_AP8A_LIFE_INS Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - value of Life Insurance paid by employer.
55 GPSG_AP8A_HOLIDAY Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - value of free or subsidised holidays, including air passage, etc.
56 GPSG_AP8A_EDUC Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - value of educational expenses provided by employer.
57 GPSG_AP8A_LS_AWARD Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - value of non-monetary awards for long service.
58 GPSG_AP8A_FEES Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - entrance/transfer fees and annual subscriptions to social or recreational clubs.
59 GPSG_AP8A_GAINS Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Gains from sale of assets sold to employee below open market value..
60 GPSG_AP8A_VEHICLE Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - full cost of motor vehicle given to employee.
61 GPSG_AP8A_CAR Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Car benefits.
62 GPSG_AP8A_OTHER Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Other benefits.
63 GPSG_AP8A_HOME_LVE Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - cost of home leave passages.
64 GPSG_AP8A_HL_SELF Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of home leave passages for self.
65 GPSG_AP8A_HL_WIFE Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of home leave passages for wife.
66 GPSG_AP8A_HL_CHILD Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of home leave passages for children.
67 GPSG_ADDRESS1 Character(55) VARCHAR2(55) NOT NULL Singapore IRAS Reporting address
68 GPSG_ADDRESS2 Character(55) VARCHAR2(55) NOT NULL Singapore IRAS Reporting address
69 GPSG_ADDRESS3 Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Singapore IRAS Reporting address
70 GPSG_AP8A_FAN Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of fans.
71 GPSG_AP8A_COOLER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of air coolers.
72 GPSG_AP8A_IRON Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of irons.
73 GPSG_AP8A_TOASTER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of toasters.
74 GPSG_AP8A_LIGHT Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of lights.
75 GPSG_AP8A_BED_AC Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of lbedroom air-conditioners.
76 GPSG_AP8A_FAX Number(15,2) DECIMAL(14,2) NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of fax machines.
77 GPSG_AP8A_VACUUM Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of vacuum cleaners.
78 GPSG_AP8A_JUICER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of juicers.
79 GPSG_AP8A_BLENDER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of blenders.
80 GPSG_AP8A_KETTLE Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of kettles.
81 GPSG_AP8A_COOKER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of cookers.
82 GPSG_AP8A_WATER_HT Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of water heaters.
83 GPSG_AP8A_OVEN Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of ovens.
84 GPSG_AP8A_FLOOR_PL Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of floor polishers.
85 GPSG_AP8A_MOWER Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - number of lawn mowers.
86 GPSG_AP8A_AC_APF Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Air Purifiers.
87 GPSG_AP8A_SVS Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Singapore Appendix 8A Form (Benefits in Kind) - Surveillance Systems.
88 GPSG_FURNISHED Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Field created to verify Whether Accomodation is Furnished or Semi Furnished
F=Fully Furnished
S=Semi Furnished
89 GPSG_AP8A_EE_HTL Number(18,2) DECIMAL(17,2) NOT NULL Amount paid by Employee(Hotel)
90 GPSG_AP8A_ER_HTL Number(18,2) DECIMAL(17,2) NOT NULL Rent paid by Employer (Hotel)
91 GPSG_AP8A_EL_GADG Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL Electronic Gadgets (Laptop etc)