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Schedule Control

Define Schedule Control for each schedule (unique combination of schedule prefix, schedule code and schedule sequence).

  • Parent record: GVT_SCHED_GROUP
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 GVT_SCHED_PREFIX Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Schedule Prefix represents user defined part of the Schedule Number. Schedule Number uniquely identifies each schedule and it is combination of Schedule Prefix, Schedule Code and Schedule Sequence.
    2 GVT_SCHED_CODE Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Schedule Code identifies PeopleSoft supported schedules and it is middle part of the Schedule Number. Schedule Number uniquely identifies each schedule and it is combination of Schedule Prefix, Schedule Code and Schedule Sequence.
    3 GVT_SCHED_SEQ Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Schedule Sequence represents last part of the Schedule Number. Schedule Number uniquely identifies each schedule and it is combination of Schedule Prefix, Schedule Code and Schedule Sequence. Schedule may have multiple schedule sequences in case there is a schedule split due to processing requirements such as max TAS BETC amount or max number of TAS BETC per schedule.

    Default Value: 1

    4 GVT_SPS_CNTRL_NUM Character(7) VARCHAR2(7) NOT NULL Used to store Control Number for bulk payment file.
    5 GVT_ECS_REQ_PAY_DT Date(10) DATE Requested Payment Date
    6 GVT_ECS_GEN_DT Date(10) DATE ECS Transmission Generation Dt
    7 GVT_TOTAL_COUNT Number(7,0) INTEGER NOT NULL Total count of the payments in the schedule
    8 GVT_TOTAL_AMT Signed Number(17,2) DECIMAL(15,2) NOT NULL Total Schedule Amount