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Direct Reports Access Type 3

Access Type 3 - Department Manager Id In this table the relationship between an employee/job and a supervisor is defined by the Department table. The "Manager Id" defined on the Department table for the employee/job's department id is considered to be the employee/job's supervisor. When determining the supervisor for an employee/job, if there is no Manager Id associated with the employee's department, then we walk up the Department Tree to get the next highest department in the department hierarchy that has a Manager Id

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 SUPERVISOR_ID Character(11) VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL Supervisor ID
2 EMPLID Character(11) VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL Employee ID
3 EMPL_RCD Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Empl Record
4 HR_DR_LEVEL Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Number denoting how many levels down the organizational chart the employee is from the supervisor. Direct reports are always level 1.
5 EMPL_STATUS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Payroll Status
L=Leave of Absence
P=Leave With Pay
Q=Retired With Pay
U=Terminated With Pay
V=Terminated Pension Pay Out
W=Short Work Break
X=Retired-Pension Administration
6 SETID_DEPT Character(5) VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL Department Set ID
7 DEPTID Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Department
8 DEPT_EFFDT Date(10) DATE Department Table Effective Date
9 JOB_EFFDT Date(10) DATE Job Effective Date
10 POSITION_NBR Character(8) VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL Position Number
11 SUPERVISOR_FLAG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Y/N field to determine if a employee is a supervisor on the direct reports tables.
12 DRILL_DOWN_FLAG Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Y/N field to determine if the row will appear in the dynamic drill down query. These rows appear in the getsupervisor query.