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Applicant Status

Maintains the history of applicant statuses throughout the flow of an applicant process.

  • Parent record: HRS_APPLICANT
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 PSARCH_ID Character(8) VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL Archive ID (see PSARCHTEMPLATE).
    2 PSARCH_BATCHNUM Number(30,0) DECIMAL(30) NOT NULL Archive Batch Number
    3 HRS_PERSON_ID Number(15,0) DECIMAL(15) NOT NULL Person Id
    4 SEQ_NUM Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Sequence
    5 STATUS_CODE Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Identifies a status.

    Prompt Table: HRS_STS_APP_I

    6 STATUS_REASON Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Identifies a reason associated with a particular status.

    Prompt Table: HRS_RSN_APP_I

    7 LASTUPDOPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Specifies the User ID which made the last update to an entry. This field is maintained by PeopleSoft and is used in a variety of contexts.
    8 LASTUPDDTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Specifies the date and time of the last update to an entry. This field is maintained by PeopleSoft and is used in a variety of contexts.