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Job Opening Items No JPM Intg

Used if JPM Integration is off, gets job opening content items with field name = 'JPM_CATG_ITEM_ID' or JPM_ADHOC_FLG = Y. Used by Build Job Index to derive which content items are included in the verity search collection.

SELECT DISTINCT joitm.hrs_job_opening_id , joitm.hrs_jo_rqmt_seq , joitm.jpm_cat_type , joitm.jpm_cat_item_id , joitm.jpm_cat_item_qual , joitm.jpm_cat_item_qual2 , joitm.effdt , joitm.jpm_item_key_id , joitm.jpm_profile_id , joitm.eff_status , joitm.jpm_jp_item_src , joitm.jpm_source_id1 , joitm.jpm_source_id2 , joitm.jpm_source_id3 , joitm.jpm_jp_qual_set , joitm.jpm_jp_qual_set2 , joitm.jpm_parent_key_id , joitm.jpm_wf_status , jpmitm.jpm_descr90 , joitm.jpm_mandatory , joitm.rating_model , joitm.jpm_rating1 , joitm.jpm_rating2 , joitm.jpm_rating3 , joitm.nvq_status , joitm.jpm_interest_level , joitm.jpm_yn_1 , joitm.jpm_yn_2 , joitm.jpm_yn_3 , joitm.jpm_yn_4 , joitm.jpm_yn_5 , , joitm.state , joitm.school_code , joitm.major_code , joitm.jpm_minor_cd , joitm.educ_lvl_aus , joitm.aps_heduc_cd_aus , joitm.faculty_code , joitm.subfaculty_code , joitm.major_category , joitm.fp_subject_cd , joitm.fp_skil_hir , joitm.fp_skil_prm , joitm.fp_skil_ten , joitm.fp_degr_required FROM ps_hrs_jo_items joitm , ps_jpm_cat_items jpmitm , ps_jpm_jp_props props , ps_jpm_jp_section sect , ps_jpm_cat_types cat , ps_jpm_jp_pri_type jpmcfg , PS_JPM_JP_ROLES jpmrol WHERE jpmitm.jpm_cat_type = joitm.jpm_cat_type AND jpmitm.jpm_cat_item_id = joitm.jpm_cat_item_id AND jpmitm.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_cat_items_i jpmitm1 WHERE jpmitm1.jpm_cat_type = jpmitm.jpm_cat_type AND jpmitm1.jpm_cat_item_id = jpmitm.jpm_cat_item_id AND jpmitm1.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND jpmitm.eff_status = 'A' AND cat.jpm_cat_type = jpmitm.jpm_cat_type AND props.jpm_jp_type = jpmrol.jpm_jp_type AND props.FIELDNAME = 'JPM_CAT_ITEM_ID' AND sect.jpm_jp_type = jpmrol.jpm_jp_type AND sect.jpm_jp_section_id = jpmrol.jpm_jp_section_id AND jpmrol.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM PS_JPM_JP_ROLES jpmrol2 WHERE jpmrol2.jpm_jp_type = jpmrol.jpm_jp_type AND jpmrol2.jpm_jp_section_id = jpmrol.jpm_jp_section_id AND jpmrol2.jpm_role = jpmrol.jpm_role AND jpmrol2.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND jpmrol.jpm_role = 'EMP' AND jpmrol.jpm_scrty_modify = 'Y' AND sect.jpm_jp_type = jpmcfg.jpm_pri_pers_type AND sect.jpm_cat_type = cat.jpm_cat_type AND sect.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_jp_section sect2 WHERE sect2.jpm_jp_type = sect.jpm_jp_type AND sect2.jpm_jp_section_id = sect.jpm_jp_section_id AND sect2.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND props.jpm_jp_type = jpmcfg.jpm_pri_pers_type AND props.jpm_jp_type = sect.jpm_jp_type AND props.jpm_jp_section_id = sect.jpm_jp_section_id AND props.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_jp_props props1 WHERE props1.jpm_jp_type = props.jpm_jp_type AND props1.jpm_jp_section_id = props.jpm_jp_section_id AND props1.fieldname = props.fieldname AND props1.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND sect.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_jp_section sect1 WHERE sect1.jpm_jp_type = sect.jpm_jp_type AND sect1.jpm_jp_section_id = sect.jpm_jp_section_id AND sect1.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) UNION SELECT DISTINCT joitm.hrs_job_opening_id , joitm.hrs_jo_rqmt_seq , joitm.jpm_cat_type , joitm.jpm_cat_item_id , joitm.jpm_cat_item_qual , joitm.jpm_cat_item_qual2 , joitm.effdt , joitm.jpm_item_key_id , joitm.jpm_profile_id , joitm.eff_status , joitm.jpm_jp_item_src , joitm.jpm_source_id1 , joitm.jpm_source_id2 , joitm.jpm_source_id3 , joitm.jpm_jp_qual_set , joitm.jpm_jp_qual_set2 , joitm.jpm_parent_key_id , joitm.jpm_wf_status , joitm.jpm_adhoc_descr , joitm.jpm_mandatory , joitm.rating_model , joitm.jpm_rating1 , joitm.jpm_rating2 , joitm.jpm_rating3 , joitm.nvq_status , joitm.jpm_interest_level , joitm.jpm_yn_1 , joitm.jpm_yn_2 , joitm.jpm_yn_3 , joitm.jpm_yn_4 , joitm.jpm_yn_5 , , joitm.state , joitm.school_code , joitm.major_code , joitm.jpm_minor_cd , joitm.educ_lvl_aus , joitm.aps_heduc_cd_aus , joitm.faculty_code , joitm.subfaculty_code , joitm.major_category , joitm.fp_subject_cd , joitm.fp_skil_hir , joitm.fp_skil_prm , joitm.fp_skil_ten , joitm.fp_degr_required FROM ps_hrs_jo_items joitm , ps_jpm_jp_props props , ps_jpm_jp_section sect , ps_jpm_cat_types cat , ps_jpm_jp_pri_type jpmcfg , PS_JPM_JP_ROLES jpmrol WHERE cat.jpm_cat_type = joitm.jpm_cat_type AND cat.JPM_ADHOC_FLG = 'Y' AND props.jpm_jp_type = jpmrol.jpm_jp_type AND props.FIELDNAME = 'JPM_ADHOC_DESCR' AND sect.jpm_jp_type = jpmrol.jpm_jp_type AND sect.jpm_jp_section_id = jpmrol.jpm_jp_section_id AND jpmrol.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM PS_JPM_JP_ROLES jpmrol2 WHERE jpmrol2.jpm_jp_type = jpmrol.jpm_jp_type AND jpmrol2.jpm_jp_section_id = jpmrol.jpm_jp_section_id AND jpmrol2.jpm_role = jpmrol.jpm_role AND jpmrol2.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND jpmrol.jpm_role = 'EMP' AND jpmrol.jpm_scrty_modify = 'Y' AND sect.jpm_jp_type = jpmcfg.jpm_pri_pers_type AND sect.jpm_cat_type = cat.jpm_cat_type AND sect.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_jp_section sect2 WHERE sect2.jpm_jp_type = sect.jpm_jp_type AND sect2.jpm_jp_section_id = sect.jpm_jp_section_id AND sect2.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND props.jpm_jp_type = jpmcfg.jpm_pri_pers_type AND props.jpm_jp_type = sect.jpm_jp_type AND props.jpm_jp_section_id = sect.jpm_jp_section_id AND props.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_jp_props props1 WHERE props1.jpm_jp_type = props.jpm_jp_type AND props1.jpm_jp_section_id = props.jpm_jp_section_id AND props1.fieldname = props.fieldname AND props1.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND sect.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_jp_section sect1 WHERE sect1.jpm_jp_type = sect.jpm_jp_type AND sect1.jpm_jp_section_id = sect.jpm_jp_section_id AND sect1.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn)

  • Related Language Record: HRS_JOITM04_LVW
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 HRS_JOB_OPENING_ID Number(15,0) DECIMAL(15) NOT NULL Job Opening Clone
    2 HRS_JO_RQMT_SEQ Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Job opening requirement sequence
    3 JPM_CAT_TYPE Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL The name of the type of items that will be used in a Catalog and or in a Profile.
    4 JPM_CAT_ITEM_ID Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL Catalog Item Id. Identifies a unique catalog item defintion within a catalog type.

    Prompt Table: JPM_CAT_ITEMS

    5 JPM_CAT_ITEM_QUAL Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL Low Order Item key for Catalog Items when appearing in a Profile. For most Catalog Types, this will be blank - but is available if an Item needs to have multiple instances for a given Effdt in a Profile. Example: for CatalogType = Compentency, there can be multiple instances for a particular Competency, each representing a different evaluation source (Self-Eval, Mgr Eval, Approved/Official, Learning, Recruiting).
    6 JPM_CAT_ITEM_QUAL2 Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL Low Order Item key for Catalog Items when appearing in a Profile. For most Catalog Types, this will be blank - but is available if an Item needs to have multiple instances for a given Effdt in a Profile. Example: for CatalogType = Compentency, there can be multiple instances for a particular Competency, each representing a different evaluation source (Self-Eval, Mgr Eval, Approved/Official, Learning, Recruiting).
    7 EFFDT Date(10) DATE NOT NULL Effective Date

    Default Value: %date

    8 JPM_ITEM_KEY_ID Number(12,0) DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL Unique identifier of an item within a profile. This is the primary key of profile items. It is a generic autoassigned value (a number). The unique key permits the addition of items that are not inheritently unique. They may have the same effective date, item type, item id, yet differ in a property or other value. The concept of key fields in a profile is a loose term as an object in a profile can have very different needs in identification.
    9 JPM_PROFILE_ID Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL The id, autoassigned or user assigned of the profile. This id is used to group items and other related material together into one coherent profile.

    Prompt Table: JPM_PROFILE

    10 EFF_STATUS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Effective Status

    Default Value: A

    11 JPM_JP_ITEM_SRC Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Indicates the source of a JPM profile item so that changes to the profile item will be blocked in JPM. The changes can only be made through the source product.
    ELM=Learning Management
    NVQ=Manage NVQ GBR
    PROF=Another Profile
    WADM=Workforce Administration
    12 JPM_SOURCE_ID1 Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL JPM Profile Item Source ID1
    13 JPM_SOURCE_ID2 Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL JPM Profile Item Source ID3
    14 JPM_SOURCE_ID3 Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL JPM Profile Item Source ID3
    15 JPM_JP_QUAL_SET Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL 1st Instance Qualifier Set Name for a JPM Profile Item
    16 JPM_JP_QUAL_SET2 Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL 2nd Instance Qualifier Set Name for a JPM Profile Item
    17 JPM_PARENT_KEY_ID Number(12,0) DECIMAL(12) NOT NULL This is the JPM_ITEM_KEY_ID of the item in the profile that is the parent or driving item of the item. Example- a sub competency may have the item key id of the competency as the parent key. It is used to link more than one item together in a profile where a relationship was established.
    18 JPM_WF_STATUS Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL JPM Workflow Status field
    19 JPM_DESCR90 Character(90) VARCHAR2(90) NOT NULL jpm
    20 JPM_MANDATORY Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL jpm
    21 RATING_MODEL Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Rating Model

    Prompt Table: RATING_MDL_TBL

    22 JPM_RATING1 Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Generic rating field generally prompted by RATING_MODEL

    Prompt Table: REVW_RATING_TBL

    23 JPM_RATING2 Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Generic rating field generally prompted by RATING_MODEL

    Prompt Table: JPM_RATING_VW1

    24 JPM_RATING3 Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Generic rating field generally prompted by RATING_MODEL

    Prompt Table: JPM_RATING_VW2

    25 NVQ_STATUS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL The status of the employee's NVQ
    P=Previous Achievement
    26 JPM_INTEREST_LEVEL Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Profile item property stating intertest level of the employee in the content item

    Prompt Table: INT_RATING_VW

    27 JPM_YN_1 Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Generic Yes No property for profile items
    28 JPM_YN_2 Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Generic Yes No property for profile items
    29 JPM_YN_3 Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Generic Yes No property for profile items
    30 JPM_YN_4 Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Generic Yes No property for profile items
    31 JPM_YN_5 Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Generic Yes No property for profile items
    32 COUNTRY Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Country

    Prompt Table: COUNTRY_TBL

    33 STATE Character(6) VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL State

    Prompt Table: HCR_STONLY_I

    34 SCHOOL_CODE Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL School Code

    Prompt Table: SCHOOL_TBL

    35 MAJOR_CODE Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Major Code

    Prompt Table: MAJOR_TBL

    36 JPM_MINOR_CD Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Minor for degree or education content type

    Prompt Table: JPM_MAJOR_VW

    37 EDUC_LVL_AUS Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL This field refers to the highest education attained by the member of staff. This is an Australia specific code which is needed for DETYA electronic reporting purposes.
    1=Higher Degree
    2=Bachelor's Degree
    4=No Info
    38 APS_HEDUC_CD_AUS Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL The APS maintains a list of education codes that should be used for reporting purposes. Users should select the APS code to an existing education code in the system.
    03=Postgraduate Diploma
    04=Bachelor Degree
    05=Undergraduate Diploma
    06=Associate Diploma
    07=Skilled Vocational Qualificatn
    08=Basic Vocational Qualification
    09=Year 12 (Higher School Cert)
    11=Year 11
    12=Year 10 (Leaving/School Cert)
    13=Less than Year 10
    97=Chose not to Give
    39 FACULTY_CODE Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Faculty Code (Japan HR)

    Prompt Table: FACULTY_TBL_JPN

    40 SUBFACULTY_CODE Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Sub Faculty Code(Japan HR)

    Prompt Table: SBFCLTY_TBL_JPN

    41 MAJOR_CATEGORY Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Major Category(Japan HR)
    42 FP_SUBJECT_CD Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL FPS Subject Code

    Prompt Table: FPMSUBJECTS

    43 FP_SKIL_HIR Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL FPS Hiring Requirement
    44 FP_SKIL_PRM Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL FPS Promotion Requirement
    45 FP_SKIL_TEN Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL FPS Tenure Requirement
    46 FP_DEGR_REQUIRED Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL FPS Degree