(SQL View)
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cont sect srchable props lang

Language view: if JPM integration is on, selects all properties that are searchable for the intersection of sections for primary person profile type's sections with TAM content sections. Uses label from the primary person profile type's properties language

SELECT DISTINCT props.jpm_jp_type ,sect.jpm_cat_type ,props.fieldname ,propsl.language_cd ,propsl.jpm_label_text FROM ps_jpm_jp_pri_type jpmcfg , ps_jpm_jp_props props , ps_jpm_jp_section sect , ps_jpm_cat_types cat , PS_JPM_JP_ROLES jpmrol , ps_jpm_jp_prop_lng propsl WHERE props.jpm_jp_type = jpmrol.jpm_jp_type AND props.jpm_srch_flg = 'Y' AND sect.jpm_jp_type = jpmrol.jpm_jp_type AND sect.jpm_jp_section_id = jpmrol.jpm_jp_section_id AND jpmrol.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM PS_JPM_JP_ROLES jpmrol2 WHERE jpmrol2.jpm_jp_type = jpmrol.jpm_jp_type AND jpmrol2.jpm_jp_section_id = jpmrol.jpm_jp_section_id AND jpmrol2.jpm_role = jpmrol.jpm_role AND jpmrol2.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND jpmrol.jpm_role = 'EMP' AND jpmrol.jpm_scrty_modify = 'Y' AND sect.jpm_jp_type = jpmcfg.jpm_pri_pers_type AND sect.jpm_cat_type = cat.jpm_cat_type AND sect.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_jp_section sect2 WHERE sect2.jpm_jp_type = sect.jpm_jp_type AND sect2.jpm_jp_section_id = sect.jpm_jp_section_id AND sect2.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND props.jpm_jp_type = jpmcfg.jpm_pri_pers_type AND props.jpm_jp_type = sect.jpm_jp_type AND props.jpm_jp_section_id = sect.jpm_jp_section_id AND props.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_jp_props props1 WHERE props1.jpm_jp_type = props.jpm_jp_type AND props1.jpm_jp_section_id = props.jpm_jp_section_id AND props1.fieldname = props.fieldname AND props1.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND sect.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(effdt) FROM ps_jpm_jp_section sect1 WHERE sect1.jpm_jp_type = sect.jpm_jp_type AND sect1.jpm_jp_section_id = sect.jpm_jp_section_id AND sect1.effdt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND propsl.jpm_jp_type = props.jpm_jp_type AND propsl.effdt = props.effdt AND propsl.jpm_jp_section_id = props.jpm_jp_section_id AND propsl.fieldname = props.fieldname

  • Related Language Record for HRS_JPIDX_PRP2I
  • Parent record: JPM_CAT_TYPES
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 JPM_JP_TYPE Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL Profile Type name for a JPM Profile Type
    2 JPM_CAT_TYPE Character(12) VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL The name of the type of items that will be used in a Catalog and or in a Profile.
    3 FIELDNAME Character(18) VARCHAR2(18) NOT NULL Field Name (see PSDBFIELD).
    4 LANGUAGE_CD Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Language Code
    5 JPM_LABEL_TEXT Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL User defined text to be displayed as a label for a field or property within JPM User Interfaces.