(SQL View)
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Current Emplid and Posn nbrs

POSN_INCUMBENT is a view which retrieves the emplid of the current incumbent by position number. It is used in the Position Management application when the incumbent is brought into panels via related-display to Position_Nbr.

SELECT A.Position_Nbr ,A.Emplid FROM PS_JOB A WHERE A.Hr_Status = 'A' AND A.Effdt = ( SELECT MAX(C.EffDt) FROM PS_JOB C WHERE C.Emplid = A.Emplid AND C.Empl_Rcd = A.Empl_Rcd AND C.EffDt <= %CurrentDateIn) AND A.EffSeq = ( SELECT MAX(D.EffSeq) FROM PS_JOB D WHERE D.Emplid = A.Emplid AND D.EMPL_RCD = A.Empl_Rcd AND D.EffDt = A.EffDt)

# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 POSITION_NBR Character(8) VARCHAR2(8) NOT NULL Position Number


2 EMPLID Character(11) VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL Employee ID

Prompt Table: PERSON