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Limit Definition Table

This table defines the limit calculations for federal regulatory limits and user defined limits. The ytd gross for the special accumulator is added to the current check special accumulator gross. This number is then reduced by the excluded deductions (usually pre-tax medical) and then increased by the imputed income. This number is then multiplied by the percent of salary as defined within this record. This number is compared to the maximum benefit base defined within this record. The lessor of these two numbers is the maximum contribution amount. Next all of the deductions defined to be included are totalled for the year, with the current deduction amount. This cannot exceed the maximum contribution amount. If the maximum contribution amount is exceeded, the deduction currently being calculated will be reduced to stay within the limit imposed. It will not be forced negative. Because deduction amounts can be overridden (as in manual checks), we have provided reports that should provide assistance in assurring that your plan stays within compliance.

  • Related Language Record: LIMIT_LANG
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 LIMIT_TYPE Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Limit Type
    401=401(a) Limit
    401G=401(a) Limit Grandfather Plan
    402=402(g) Limit
    403=403(b) Limit
    415=415(c) Limit
    415Z=415(c) Limit for 403(b) plans
    457=457 Limit
    CH01=User Defined Per Check Limit 1
    CH02=User Defined Per Check Limit 2
    CH03=User Defined Per Check Limit 3
    CH04=User Defined Per Check Limit 4
    CH05=User Defined Per Check Limit 5
    USER=User Defined Limit

    Default Value: 415

    2 EFFDT Date(10) DATE NOT NULL Effective Date

    Default Value: %date

    3 DESCR Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Description
    4 DESCRSHORT Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Short Description
    5 ERNCD_SPCL Character(3) VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL Special Accumulator Code

    Prompt Table: SPCL_EARNS_TBL

    6 PCT_OF_SALARY Number(7,3) DECIMAL(6,3) NOT NULL Percent of Salary
    7 DED_YTD_MAX Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL Maximum Yearly Deduction
    8 MAX_BENEF_BASE Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL Maximum Benefit Base
    9 ROLLOVER_ALLOWED Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Rollover Allowed

    Y/N Table Edit

    Default Value: N

    10 ALTA_SVC_YRS Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Year of Separation Limit Years
    11 ALTB_ADDL_EXCL Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL Any Year Limit Additional Excl
    12 ALTB_MAX_ADDL Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL Any Year Maximum Exclusion
    13 PER_YEAR_EXPN Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL 402(g) Per Year Max Average
    14 ANNL_CAP_EXPN Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL Annl Cap Expsn
    15 MAX_CAP_EXPN Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL 402(g) Max Cap Expansion
    16 ALT_402G_ELECTION Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL Elect 402(g) Cap Expansion
    X=Automatic Election

    Default Value: X

    17 SERVICE_403B_PRORT Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL 403(b) Service
    F=Based on FTE
    S=Based on Standard Hours

    Default Value: F

    18 MAX_457_CATCH_UP Number(11,2) DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL Max Annual 457 Catch Up