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Stock Exercise Disposition tblDefines the stock exercise disposition information captured by the option tranaction processing. |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Character(11) | VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL | Employee ID | |
2 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Company's Stock Identification Symbol | |
3 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | System assigned grant number used to uniquely identify the grant record. | |
4 | Number(8,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | System assigned exercise number used to uniquely identify the exercise record. | |
5 | Number(8,0) | INTEGER NOT NULL | System assigned disposition number used to uniquely identify the disposition record. | |
6 | DISPOSITION_DT | Date(10) | DATE NOT NULL | The date of the disposition. |
7 | DISPOSITION_TYPE | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Type of disposition - sale or transfer.
S=Sale T=Transfer Default Value: S |
8 | DISPOSITION_SRC | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Disposition Source
A=Administrator S=Self Service T=Third Party Default Value: A |
9 | SHARES_DISPOSED | Signed Number(20,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | Number of shares disposed. |
10 | DISPOSITION_PRICE | Number(19,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | The share price at time of disposition. |
11 | DISPOSN_RECEIPT_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Disposition Receipt Date |
Staus of disposition - active, pending for survey, void
C=Confirmed P=Pending V=Void Default Value: P |
13 | STATUS_DT | Date(10) | DATE |
Status Date
Default Value: %date |
14 | DISQUAL_DISPOSN | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Indicates whether or not this is a disqualifying disposition based on governing body rules.
N=No Y=Yes Default Value: N |
15 | ST_ORD_INCOME | Signed Number(20,6) | DECIMAL(18,6) NOT NULL | Ordinary Income |
16 | ST_SEND_SRC | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
This field is for audit purposes and will determine how the tax information was delivered to Payroll: either via the interface with Paysheets or via a manual report.
N=North American Payroll R=Stock Payroll Report |
17 | ST_PR_DT | Date(10) | DATE | This field is the date that a transaction was sent to payroll. |
18 | PAYCHECK_NBR | Number(15,0) | DECIMAL(15) NOT NULL | Paycheck number. |
19 | PROCESS_GROUP | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Process Group |
20 | REVERSAL_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Reversal Date |
21 | DISPOSN_SURVEY_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Disposition Survey Date |
22 | LASTUPDOPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | Specifies the User ID which made the last update to an entry. This field is maintained by PeopleSoft and is used in a variety of contexts. |
23 | LASTUPDDTTM | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | Specifies the date and time of the last update to an entry. This field is maintained by PeopleSoft and is used in a variety of contexts. |