(SQL View)
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Dummy TL Installation view

This view is used in omponents where the scroll otherwise is made up of a derived work record (something Tools will not allow).


# PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
1 TL_IN_PROD Character(1) VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL This field identifies whether the application is being run in a "Production Environment", which enables and disables some features depending on the setting. Time and Labor has extensive Referential Integrity processing, which is only run when the application is being run in a Production Environment. This is done so that a customer can complete their setup work without needlessly engaging the overhead involved in this processing. Time & Labor also has a System Date feature which facilitates using a processing date which is differnt from the System Date. This can be particularly useful for system testing, but cannot be allowed in a production environment.