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# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | Character(10) | VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL | Total Comp Plan ID | |
2 | Date(10) | DATE | Total Comp Plan Effective Date | |
3 | Character(11) | VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL |
Employee ID
Prompt Table: PERSON |
4 | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Specifies a sequence number associated with each of multiple concurrent jobs for a one employee. It is used to determine the applicable benefit program for each job. The first job entered for an employee is automatically assigned a Benefit Record Number of zero (0). This field is linked with EMPL_RCD#, the Employment Record Number. | |
5 | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Empl Record | |
6 | Character(2) | VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL | Identifies a category of benefit plan, such as Medical, Dental, and Life (Insurance). A set of plan type codes, as well as rules for creating new codes, is provided by PeopleSoft. Plan Type codes determine how the system processes and defines eligibility for the various benefit plans. | |
7 | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Deduction Classification
A=After-Tax B=Before-Tax L=QC Taxable Benefit N=Nontaxable Benefit P=Nontaxable Btax Benefit T=Taxable Benefit |
8 | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL | ER Paid | |
9 | Number(4,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Cost Identification | |
10 | Date(10) | DATE | Effective Date | |
11 | Character(6) | VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL | Deduction Code | |
12 | ERNCD | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Earnings Code |
13 | DED_SLSTX_CLASS | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Sales Tax Type
B=None G=Goods and Services Tax H=Harmonized Sales Tax I=Provincial Sales Tax Insurance P=Provincial Sales Tax Q=QC Prov Sales Tax Insurance S=QC Provincial Sales Tax T=Provincial Premium Tax U=QC Provincial Premium Tax |
14 | BENEFIT_PLAN | Character(6) | VARCHAR2(6) NOT NULL | Benefit Plan |
15 | COVERAGE_ELECT | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Coverage Election
E=Elect T=Terminate W=Waive |
16 | COVERAGE_BEGIN_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Coverage Begin Date |
17 | COVRG_CD | Character(2) | VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL |
Coverage Code
Prompt Table:
18 | SAVINGS_COVRG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Savings Coverage
1=Flat Amount 2=Percent of Gross |
19 | FLAT_DED_AMT | Number(9,2) | DECIMAL(8,2) NOT NULL | Flat Deduction Amount |
20 | PCT_GROSS | Number(7,3) | DECIMAL(6,3) NOT NULL | Percent of Gross |
21 | SAVINGS_COVRG_ATAX | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Savings Coverage After-Tax
1=Flat Amount 2=Percent of Gross |
22 | FLAT_DED_AMT_ATAX | Number(9,2) | DECIMAL(8,2) NOT NULL | Flat Deduction Amt After-Tax |
23 | PCT_GROSS_ATAX | Number(7,3) | DECIMAL(6,3) NOT NULL | Percent of Gross After-Tax |
24 | ANNUAL_PLEDGE | Signed Number(10,2) | DECIMAL(8,2) NOT NULL | Annual Pledge |
25 | VACN_HOURS | Number(7,2) | DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL | Vacation Buy/Sell Hours |
26 | LEAVE_HOURS | Number(9,3) | DECIMAL(8,3) NOT NULL | Leave Hours |
27 | VOLUNTARY_AMT | Number(11,2) | DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL | Voluntary Contribution Amount |
28 | VOLUNTARY_PCT | Number(7,3) | DECIMAL(6,3) NOT NULL | Voluntary Contrib Pct |
29 | CALCULATED_BASE | Number(11,2) | DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL | Coverage Base |
30 | COST_TYPE | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
A flag that indicates how the employee-paid portion of a benefit plan is paid, either as Cost (C) or Price (P). 'Price' indicates that the benefit is paid from an employee payroll deduction. 'Credit' specifies that the system calculates additional earnings which are used as credit to pay for a benefit.
C=Credit P=Price |
31 | AMOUNT | Signed Number(20,3) | DECIMAL(18,3) NOT NULL | Commuting Allowance Paid Per Cycle. |
32 | BENEFIT_PROGRAM | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Defines a collection of benefit plans and their associated rate and calculation rules. |
33 | CURRENCY_CD | Character(3) | VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL | Currency Code |