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Student Academic Plan Table

This table is used to record the Academic Plans which a student has declared, the declaration dates, the declaration primacy sequence number, and other initial data. To have an entry in this table the student must have been admitted to an Academic Program.

  • Parent record: ACAD_PROG
  • # PeopleSoft Field Name PeopleSoft Field Type Database Column Type Description
    1 EMPLID Character(11) VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL Employee ID

    Prompt Table: PEOPLE_SRCH

    2 ACAD_CAREER Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Academic Career
    BAC=Bachelor (NLD)
    BBL=Vocational Coaching (NLD)
    BOL=Vocational Training (NLD)
    BUSN=Graduate Business
    CNED=Continuing Education
    CRED=Semester Credit
    EDU=Education (NLD)
    EXED=Extended Education
    MEDS=Medical School
    NONA=Non Award
    UENG=Undergraduate Engineering
    VAVO=Advanced General Educ. (NLD)
    VETM=Veterinary Medicine
    3 STDNT_CAR_NBR Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Student Career Nbr
    4 EFFDT Date(10) DATE NOT NULL Effective Date

    Default Value: %date

    5 EFFSEQ Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Effective Sequence
    6 ACAD_PLAN Character(10) VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL Academic Plan

    Prompt Table: ACAD_PLAN_TBLVW

    7 DECLARE_DT Date(10) DATE NOT NULL Declare Date

    Default Value: ACAD_PLAN.EFFDT

    8 PLAN_SEQUENCE Number(2,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Plan Sequence
    9 REQ_TERM Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Requirement Term

    Prompt Table: TERM_TBL

    10 COMPLETION_TERM Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Completion Term

    Prompt Table: TERM_TBL

    11 STDNT_DEGR Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL Student Degree Nbr
    12 DEGR_CHKOUT_STAT Character(2) VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL Degree Checkout Status
    AG=Applied for Graduation
    AW=Degree Awarded
    EG=Eligible for Graduation
    IR=Program in Review
    PN=Needs to Finish Pending Work
    13 ADVIS_STATUS Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL This field is used to track if the current program, plan, or subplan is to be included in an academic advisement report.
    NINC=Do Not Include

    Default Value: INCL

    14 SSR_APT_INSTANCE Number(3,0) SMALLINT NOT NULL Academic Progress Tracker Instance Number
    15 SSR_YR_OF_PROG Character(4) VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL Year of Program
    00=Not Set
    01=01 - First Year
    02=02 - Second Year
    03=03 - Third Year
    04=04 - Fourth Year
    05=05 - Fifth Year
    06=06 - Sixth Year

    Default Value: 01

    16 SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Created By
    17 SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Created
    18 SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID Character(30) VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Updated By
    19 SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM DateTime(26) TIMESTAMP Last Update Date/Time